Just had a new custom rig built. It has dual Radeon 6970 2GB running in crossfire and AMD's FX-8150 CPU 8 core processer. I've got 8G of ram.
This game is running horribly with this set up. I don't know what's wrong but unless I'm missing something I should be able to run this game maxed out with no issues.
However, when I click off all the bells and wistles (v-sync, triple buffering, etc) and turn the resolution down to minimal, it is still the laggiest thing I've ever witnessed.
So bottom line, no part of this game runs as it was meant to and I have no clue why. If anyone on here can offer an explanation it would be much appreciated. I loved Deus Ex and was a fan of invisible war as well and was really looking forward to playing this. It's one of the reasons I threw up the money to buy the rig I described. Annnnd now it looks like I might as well have bought an E-machine...