I completed enough thieves guild radiant quests to get a "special" job from Delvin. I talked to Delvin to get the special job, and there was nothing added to my quest log. Now every time I get near him he tells me my work has been noticed and that we got a special job, but I can't get a dialog to appear with him.
When I talk to Vex, she says I have to complete Delvin's special job before I can get anymore work.
- Quest is not in my log.
- Reloading a previous save game is not an option.
- I left Riften and did another series of quests and was gone for about a week of game time.
- The main quest line is complete.
- The thieves guild (nightingale) quest line is complete, though I may not have the thieves guild armor anymore as I preferred the dark brotherhood gear.
- It is on the XBOX 360, so the console is not available.
Any suggestions?