I've noticed that every time me and my team go for baron we lose a turret. Is the boost from baron really worth losing a turret? Doesn't baron just give health and mana regen? Can a baron kill alone bring a sure lose to a victory or is pushing more important?

7 Answers 7


Killing Baron Nashor gives you the following:

a buff that lasts for 4 minutes that gives:

  • 40 ability power
  • 40 attack damage
  • 3% of your maximum health in health regeneration per 5 sec.
  • 1% of your maximum mana in mana regeneration per 5 sec.

it also gives 300 gold.

Compare that to a tower which only give 150 gold and i'd say getting nashors is worth it.

A baron kill alone doesn't necessarily turn a loss into a victory although it might help a lot. Because you gain a huge advantage in the next teamfight usually allowing you to ace their team and push.Or if that's not the case then you can usually push with your team and get 1 or more turrets tipping the game in your favor


Depends on What turret we are talking about.


  • T1 (First turret that can be broken)
  • T2 (Second turret that can be broken)

Not worth:

  • T3 (Turret from base)
  • Turret from Nexus

As @SergeBekenkamp said in his answer:

Killing Baron Nashor gives you the following:

a buff that lasts for 4 minutes that gives:

40 ability power 40 attack damage 3% of your maximum health in health regeneration per 5 sec. 1% of your maximum mana in mana regeneration per 5 sec. it also gives 300 gold.

The best moment to go for baron are:

  1. When all lanes are pushed.
  2. After an ACE (if your team is good on health/survivability).
  3. After a push when the opponents are dead or recalling.
  4. All from above
  5. GOLD RULE: When you are SURE about they don't know you are going to do Baron. (Wards are EXCELLENT tool for this. sometimes the opponent is going jungle red/blue, defending bottom/mid lane and your team go there and do Baron quickly)
  • It's 300x5+25 gold actually. 1525 gold total.
    – Dorus
    Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 17:59
  • If you are counting the GLOBAL gold, Yes.
    – Michel
    Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 20:21

I would say 1 of you make sure that all lanes are pushed while other doing baron , and if you're doing baron after winning a team fight that would be a lot easier

  • Care to elaborate why its important to keep pushing all the lanes, while fighting Baron? Or why you should wait until after winning a team fight?
    – Ivo Flipse
    Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 16:11

Killing Baron is definately worth taking over loosing a turret, because in the late game...turrets are pretty worthless. I just view them as a tanky level 20 champion with no items. So by taking Baron your team would get twice the the gold than the other team just taking a turret AND you would have a buff advantage (which you would use to push them or force a teamfight)

75% of the time getting Baron is a game ender.


One tower generates you 150 gold for each member of your team whereas baron gives you 300 gold to every member of your team plus 900 exp points and a buff that makes you stronger so i would say it makes up for the tower...

  • And why do you consider that buff to outweigh the losses?
    – Ivo Flipse
    Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 16:11
  • One tower generates you 150 gold for each member of your team whereas baron gives you 300 gold to every member of your team plus 900 exp points and a buff that makes you stronger so i would say it makes up for the tower... Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 16:15
  • Then I suggest you edit your answer and put in that information ;-) Comments are 'second-class citizens' and might get deleted if there's too much chit-chat. Plus a better answer means more upvotes for you!
    – Ivo Flipse
    Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 16:36

In my opinion, it is. Baron gives 300(iirc) gold if you kill it to each person, pseudo-blue to your team, and 40 ad/ap, and massive hp regen (there may be other stats on it but I forget it). The tower gives 150 gold per person and no buff. 300+many buffs is better then 150 and no buffs in most cases, however, if your team can't kill baron fast you're giving them a large chance to push and baron will deal a lot of damage to your team, allowing an ace opportunity so in that case, protecting the tower is better.

TL;DR: Baron is better if you can kill it fast, if not, save the tower.


it really debends if you guys are losing "gold wise" and the other team is recalling or dead that is the moment but i would rather slay the herald as the buff is forever but only on one teamate

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