What is the easiest order to defeat the bosses in each of the Mega Man (classic) series?
A full list would be great.
What is the easiest order to defeat the bosses in each of the Mega Man (classic) series?
A full list would be great.
Ok, there is a lot here so I'll try to be brief:
Fire → Bomb → Guts → Cut → Elec → Ice
Alternate: Guts → Cut → Elec → Ice → Fire → Bomb
Guts Man's stage is sometimes difficult, but his AI is a lot easier on a fresh start, and does less damage. Ice Slasher is also nice to have in Fire Man's stage.
Metal → Air → Crash → Bubble → Heat → Wood → Flash → Quick
Alternate: Metal → Wood → Air → Bubble → Heat → Crash → Flash → Quick
Weaknesses are wonky, as Metal Blade works excellently on Wood, Bubble, Flash, Quick, and Metal (hahahahahahahahaha). I recommend this route as Wood Man's stage is easy enough with Metal Blade, and Leaf Shield is nice to have for Crash Man's stage. Item 2 to take on Heat Man's stage to get Item 1. I like Crash before Flash just to make the stage easier.
Top → Shadow → Spark → Magnet → Hard → Snake → Gemini → Needle
Alternate Magnet → Hard → Top → Shadow → Spark → Snake → Gemini → Needle
There are actually two weakness loops: the first 5 are one loop while the last 3 are a separate loop. I prefer Magnet Man earlier because Magnet Missile and Hard Knuckle are good weapons against large foes, and Top Spin is not so necessary early on. But do remember to abuse its knockback cancel (if you get shot in the air using Top Spin, you don't get knocked back and can continue your jump).
There is a tendency for people to enter the Snake → Gemini → Needle → Snake loop via Snake. However, It is also very possible to enter via Gemini once you know you actually control him. For the first half of the fight while there are two copies of Gemini Man he only shoots when you press B, so you can adjust your jumps to never take a hit. For the second half of the fight Gemini Man jumps when you press B, so you can force him to jump when you want to slide under him, again never taking at hit. With this in mind
Gemini → Needle → Snake
is quite easy and allows you to fly over the final platform section of Snake. Snake Man is a complete joke once you have Needle so if you're having trouble beating snake try this alternate.
Pharaoh → Ring → Dust → Skull → Dive → Drill → Toad → Bright
Pharaoh Man makes a popular opening for an easy stage, access to Balloon, and a multi-directional chargeable weapon. Toad Man and Skull Man are also very easy AI, and popular openings to start the cycle. The only general notes are Ring Man is very mean as a start, and Drill Man's stage is easier with Pharaoh Shot or Skull Barrier.
Star → Gravity → Gyro Man → Crystal Man → Napalm Man → Stone Man → Charge Man → Wave
Generally an accepted pathway, as Star Man's AI is really easy and the barrier is nice for Crystal Man's stage. The AI for the first 8 is one of the easiest in the Classic Games, so there's a lot of variety you can take to this one.
Plant Man → Tomahawk → Yamato → Knight → Centaur → Wind → Flame → Blizzard
Alternate Flame → Knight → Blizzard → Plant Man → Tomahawk → Yamato → Centaur → Wind
The first route is weakness order, while the alternate is divergent. Flame Man is a fairly easy stage with an easy boss. Plant Man is easier, but Flame Man gives you Power Adaptor. Consequently, use it to take out Knight Man (whose shield is worthless against it) and also not have to revisit the stage. Knight Crusher is excellent against large enemies, including importantly the apes in Plant Man's stage. So this route prioritizes a much better arsenal for a later gain of the Jet Adaptor.
Cloud Man → Junk → Freeze → Burst → Slash → Spring → Shade → Turbo
It should be noted that Burst Man and Slash Man are BOTH weak against BOTH Freeze Cracker and Scorch Wheel. Slash Man being the only one with a weakness from the first four means an obvious opening, while Cloud Man is a very easy stage and boss for a very versatile weapon.
Tengu → Clown → Grenade → Frost → Aqua → Sword → Search → Astro
There are two separate loops here, unlike with MM7. The first four is one loop, the second four is a different loop. Tengu Man has a very basic stage and has a fairly easy pattern. Tornado Hold is awkward for some people but is an incredible source of damage alongside your Mega Buster. Aqua Man is the easiest of the second loop, but Astro Man is also very easy if you use Tornado Hold.
Galaxy → Jewel → Plug → Tornado → Magma → Hornet → Splash → Concrete
Alternate - Splash → Concrete → Galaxy → Jewel → Plug → Tornado → Magma → Hornet
I sometimes start with Hornet first but you need to be quick on your feet to take him on first. It would make Splash Woman that much easier, though. Splash Woman gives Laser Trident, which is enormously useful to have in all of the stages, so it is very valuable to get early. Splash Woman is also not too difficult, though not nearly as easy as Galaxy Man is.
Sheep → Pump → Solar → Chill → Nitro → Commando → Blade → Strike
Block → Acid → Impact → Bounce → Fuse → Tundra → Torch → Blast
Cold → Burner → Pirate → Ground → Tengu → Magic → Astro → Dynamo
Cold Man is one of the easiest, but with a weakness becomes the third easiest in the entire franchise after Metal Man and Wood Man (who each can get 1-hit-KO'd). This is a standard weakness-order approach, and also gets Remote Mine early which is a good weapon.
Elec → Ice → Fire → Cut then Flash → Quick → Bubble → Heat
Metal → Air → Crash → Wood → Needle→ Magnet → Hard → Top
Mercury → Neptune → Mars → Venus → Pluto → Jupiter → Saturn → Uranus
The weakness order is actually exceptionally wonky and includes the midfight Terra. The order is Neptune > Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Saturn > Mercury > Pluto > Uranus > Terra > Neptune. But the actual access doesn't let you go in this order.
In any case, Mercury gives the Grab Buster which is excellent for lasting through some of the dangerous points in stages, as it heals you. Mercury is also an easy stage with an easy boss. Past that it's primarily following weakness order and substituting the Mega Arm when you don't have the specific weakness.
Here is a list of what order to fight the bosses in each game and with what weapon
Mega Man 1:
Mega Man 2:
Mega Man 3:
Mega Man 4:
Mega Man 5:
Mega Man 6:
Mega Man 7:
Mega Man 8:
Mega Man X:
Mega Man X2:
Mega Man X3: