I've been trying to piece together the backstory of FEZ - this is where I'm up to...
There are 4 races in FEZ:
Visitors - these appear as floating heads with 3 eyes and 3 tentacles.
Long-heads - these have long heads and one eye, they're only seen in pictures.
Big-heads - you can talk to these but they have a different language.
Gomez's species - only seen in the starting village.
Firstly, according to a blackboard in a classroom in Gomez's village:
It looks like the long-heads and big-heads are ancestors of Gomez's people.
I think that the long-heads were primitive ancestors that lived purely in 2D:
Their village is flat and the rooms there cannot be rotated.
They hunted animals (shown by one wall) and worshipped owls (shown by another), possible because the owls could see in 3D already.
The big-heads are harder to figure out, and I think visiting them might involve some time travel. There are two big-head villages:
Under construction village - this is populated and covered with scaffolding. It has the working stargate in it.
Ruined village - this is empty and overgrown, but almost identical.
I think that these are the same village before and after a catastrophe:
- The populated village has a working stargate and a mural room that shows the visitors giving the stargate to the big-heads.
The classroom in that village shows a visitor holding the number 3, implying that visitors showed the big-heads about the third dimension too.
The ruined village has a mural that shows the stargate being built and then in its destroyed state.
The ruined village's stargate is destroyed by the space-holes, perhaps implying that's how they've come into the world?
I think the visitors and the owls are related somehow, but I'm not sure how?
Were the visitors destroyed by the same catastrophe?
If I'm right about the time travel then Gomez is going back in time to complete the game, and it's possible that in doing so he causes the disaster that destroys the big-head village.
If I'm wrong then what is going on?