Recently I've played a few games as jungle yi, and have had a fantastic time ganking and really building myself up with a very strong early game. By the 15-20 minute mark, I am much strong than anyone else in the game with a lot more gold and experience and can pretty much take anyone one-on-one.
The problem that I am having is taking this advantage and turning it into a strong/winning late game. There are a few different problems I have, including weak teammates (not passing the blame, it just happens) or not being able to press the advantage while their stronger team build farms up and eventually wears us down. As well as this, sometimes my very strong one-on-one game doesn't translate well into team fights.
I'm curious about what I can do to keep my early game advantage going and pushing it to carry our team to the win rather than becoming less relevant as everyone else catches up to me, often resulting in a loss.