So, I set up a bunch of ships to manually supply my new crystal factory with the needed resources. I did this by ordering several ships to perform infinite manual trade runs.
The problem is that when one of the needed resources is filled to capacity, the ship supplying that resource just gives up on its manual trade run. It does this because it cannot unload all of the resources it is hauling. This in effect cancels the manual trade run order and puts the ship into an idle state.
Instead of being smart about it and waiting until my station uses up enough of the resource to allow the ship to unload its wares, the script just ends and the ship sits idle at the station.
There has to be some way for me to automate the delivery of resources to my station from some (far away) station using one or more of my ships.
It's a pain in the butt to have to sit there and constantly issue manual trade runs, because ships give up so easily when they can't complete the delivery due to not enough space.
Maybe, manual trade runs are not the right order for doing station to station delivery of raw materials?
Please, help!