Is there a way to change the difficulty back to normal after you've started a game on nightmare?

3 Answers 3


In order to change the difficulty level back to normal, you have to go to your Character selection screen, select the quest/act and then use the drop down menu in the bottom left hand corner to change the difficulty (re: screenshot).

enter image description here

  • can you change the difficulty from normal to nightmare, i have unlocked it though
    – user42154
    Feb 9, 2013 at 11:45
  1. Go to your character select screen
  2. Select Change Quest
  3. Near the bottom you can change difficulty.

NOTE: Each difficulty has to be unlocked first!

Normal - available by default

Nightmare - Beat all 4 acts and be at least level 30

Hell - Beat all 4 acts on Nightmare and be at least level 50

Inferno - Beat all 4 acts on Hell and be at least level 60


Select "Change Quest" from the Character Menu. At the bottom left of the menu you can change the difficulty.

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