Does everybody "know their roots" in the Diablo Universe?
Last night I got into a conversation with my Templar where I encouraged him to try and remember "his sins" as it were, which he had been forced to forget as part of his initiation into the Templar order.
My Witch Doctor suggested that he grind a particular type of root, which is said to have memory restorative powers. This seems like an awfully Witch-Doctor-y thing to suggest.
The Templar seemed to think this was a good idea, but I'm kind of wondering how this would have played out had I been a different class with perhaps less knowledge of herbal remedies. Perhaps the Templar's reaction is generic, but the hero's dialog is class-specific?
Does the dialog with followers change based on your class? Does gender matter at all? If it does change, do the follower's responses change, or just my hero's dialog?