Entropy is a dominion-only item with the following description:
+275 Health +70 Attack Damage UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks have a 25% chance to reduce your target's Movement Speed by 30% for 2.5 seconds. UNIQUE Active: For the next 5 seconds, your basic attacks reduce your target's Movement Speed by 30% and deal 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds (60 second cooldown)
I'd like more specifics regarding the mechanics of the true damage from the active ability. How is the damage distributed over time? 16 damage every .5 sec? 40 damage every 1.25 sec? More importantly, does it stack?
Lets say I'm Yi and have an attack speed of 2.0 attacks per second. Will I get 800 true damage (from 10 attacks, stacking), 224 damage (16 true damage from the first tick of the dot for each of the first 9 attacks, plus 80 for the final attack), or something in the middle?