Minimum damage and Maximum damage values will now display separately in an item's tooltip (i.e. "+2-4 Damage" will now display as "+2 Minimum Damage” and “+2 Maximum Damage")

Isn't that counter-intuitive?

I simply don't get how this is meant to be logical and make sense. Every time I look at it, i think to myself, "Add the two to get the actual maximum".

Have I misunderstood this calculation entirely? Or do you all agree that the tooltip is confusing?

Maybe someone can post calculations that explain why this way makes more sense.


I still need a conclusive answer (or confirmation) to the below:

An item with 10 - 12 damage gets a modifier of +2 min / +2 max (or +2-4 as per the pre 1.0.3 tooltip).

Does this item scale to 12 - 14 damage ?

If the same item gets +3 min / +3 max (in this case, old tooltip listed +3-6?), does it scale to 13 - 16 or 13 - 15 ?

How does one explain what the old tooltip did? i.e. what does the 6 mean in +3-6 as per above?

  • 1
    To use your example, an item with 10-12 that gets a +2/+2 modifier would increase to 12-15. If it received a bonus of +3/+3, it would increase to 13-17. Commented Jun 23, 2012 at 13:34

2 Answers 2


If an items does 10 - 15 base-damage and you put in a gem that adds +2 min / +2 max the new damage range is 12 - 17 damage.

Before the patch, the calculation was exactly the same, but +2-4 damage is much more confusing (in my opinion). The new wording just clarifies what really happens.

Explanation of the old tool-tip: the damage modifiers of rubies (and +X min or +X max) on a weapon are calculated before other damage modifiers (like elemental damage for example). Within this, the +X min get applied first, taking our example weapon from above to 12 - 15 damage after this, the +X max gets added, resulting in said 12 - 17 damage.

If we get another weapon with a very small damage range like 10 - 11 damage it works the same - but after the +X min is applied, we get 12 - 11 damage which doesn't make sense. As a result, the max-damage is raised to 13 and then the +X max gets added, resulting in 12 - 15 damage. We ended up with +2 min / +4 max.

Now, if we take a weapon with 10 - 10 damage (no range), we theoretically end up with 12 - 15 damage again, which is +2 min / +5 max (or +2-5 damage) but this doesn't happen in game as there's always a damage-range, so this possibility was excluded from display.

Conclusion: the old tool-tip showed the theoretical maximum effect a ruby could have, which doesn't really happen in-game. Even my second example only happens rarely (only if you put a high ruby in a low-level weapon) so the new tool-tip is much more exact.

  • aha! then I did misunderstand the previous calculation. So then how on earth did the old one explain the number 4?
    – ericosg
    Commented Jun 21, 2012 at 7:09
  • please see my edit for clearification. the olt tooltip is teh maximum effect a gem can theoretically have. this is still true but happens rarely (and never with full effect since there are no weapons with zero damage range).
    – oezi
    Commented Jun 21, 2012 at 7:33
  • it's a bit confusing, can you fix it up a bit? thanks
    – ericosg
    Commented Jun 21, 2012 at 7:52
  • wow, that's very enlightening! I had no idea that a close range value can benefit such a way. I will mark soon once nobody else dis-confirms your post :)
    – ericosg
    Commented Jun 21, 2012 at 10:13
  • 1
    @BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft They chose the new wording because the old weird edge case with low-damage range weapons still applies. +Min effects are still applied before +Max effects, with all the attendant wierdnesses. Commented Jun 23, 2012 at 13:31

Here are some screenshots validating the damage increase and how the two different tool-tips can be interpreted.

Before applying gem:

before applying gem

If we applied a ruby on it, which says +8-16 damage, or when applied it says +8 min +8 max, this weapon would scale from 23-34 damage, to 31-42 damage.

But when applying a larger gem, such as a flawless square ruby, which says +14-28 damage, or when applied +14 min, +14 max, it now scales to 37-54 damage.



See after applying gem:

after applying gem

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