After Dave Andersen made his post, Day[9] started a new weekly event called Newbie Tuesday, where he does exactly what we're looking for: every week, he goes over a silver/gold/platinum level game and explains what they did wrong.
I'll keep a list of them here as they come out.
Day[9] Daily #184 - Newbie Tuesday #1
This is the first in the series of Tuesday episodes dedicated to players below the Diamond level. Day[9] examines the common mistakes of Bronze through Platinum level players, shows what to focus on and what not to really worry about until you're a top Diamond player. This particular episode is a PvT, although the concepts apply to all races.
Day[9] Daily #189 - Newbie Tuesday: Losing to Early Pressure
In this Newbie Tuesday special, we examine how to avoid losing to early aggression in a variety of matchups.
Day[9] Daily #194 - Newbie Tuesday: Drone Timing
In this Newbie Tuesday episode, we focus on the timing of making Drones as a Zerg player. Specifically, how to figure out if it you need to make an army or build your economy at any given time. We look at using scouting info, harassment, and defensive strategies to optimize your economy while not actually dying.
Day[9] Daily #198 - Newbie Tuesday: Banshee Harass
In this episode of Newbie Tuesday, we address the common problem of being harassed by Banshees at different stages of the game.
Day[9] Daily #201 - Newbie Tuesday: Using Drops
In this episode, we look at how to effectively use drops to gain an advantage, and point out common mistakes.
Day[9] Daily #205 - Newbie Tuesday: Dealing with Colossi
In this Newbie Tuesday, we focus on what the different races can do when faced against the mighty Colossus!
Day[9] Daily #210 - Newbie Tuesday: 2v2 Strategy
This time, we'll take a look at early game 2v2 and see why people lose to rushes so much! We really examine the rush as a valid strategy, and look at how to cope with them and still win!