Dramiels are annoying when you're flying around alone, ships that do enough damage and tank enough to kill them often don't have enough range control to prevent the Dramiel from escaping.
Now, if I have a predictable enemy Dramiel pilot that flies a dual-prop Dramiel with complex MWD & AB, scram, 200mm Autocannons and a rocket launcher and T2 shield rigs and Warrior drones. It can put out around 130 dps with the autocannons and 50 from the 3 drones, it has roughly 8k EHP and can fly at least 1700 m/s on AB.
Is there any navy faction or T1 frigate (not pirate) that could kill this Dramiel? My idea would be an armor-tanked, dual-web Hookbill with a tracking disruptor, keeping the Dramiel at the edge of scram-range. What are the weaknesses of the Dramiel that I could exploit, and which ships would be suited to that task?