
As Gandhi, win a cultural victory with 3 or fewer cities in your empire.

Do puppet cities count towards this limit or not?

I'd assume they probably are (since you do get culture from Puppet cities), but it would be nice to know.

1 Answer 1


I can confirm this. I had three cities as India and later conquered and puppetted two cities thinking I'd be good, but did not get the achievement after a cultural victory.

I got it in another game where I got a culture victory with India with only my capital.

  • I guess this answer also verifies that you can get a culture victory with a single city. Thanks!
    – Jeffrey
    Commented Oct 1, 2010 at 18:19
  • which difficulty level did you get the single city victory on? Commented Oct 6, 2010 at 21:54
  • The game where I failed to get the achievement was one of my first and it was in the tutorial, so the lowest difficulty. The game I did get it was on Prince, on an Archipelago map. I explain it here
    – AceJordin
    Commented Oct 6, 2010 at 22:53

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