Using two Sniper Rifles using almost the exact same damage, I noticed Head Shots from my Shock rifle on Shielded targets deal significantly less damage than Fire shots to unshielded targets. 110k damage from the Fire sniper, 69k from the Shock weapon.
If damage were calculated only once and applied to damage and health, the shock weapon should have dealt more damage; Shock's bonus against Shields is 2.5 (1.0 against Flesh) while Fire's bonus against Flesh is 1.75.
So what's happening here? It seems only enough Shock damage is dealt to take down the shields using the 2.5 calculation, then the remaining damage is dealt as if it was Flesh damage using the 1.0 calculation. Is any damage overkilling the shield, thus losing damage to the Flesh target or is only just barely enough damage dealt as Shield damage?
Is this calculation the same for other elemental types? For example explosive does 0.8 damage against Shields but 1.0 against Flesh; will the 1.0 multiplier be applied to Health "overflow" damage?