I've been contemplating restarting and skipping the 'tutorial' so that I can choose my base layout, go through the first mission without losing 3 units, that whole thing, but, now that I've done a few missions, I get the sense I'm still actually in the tutorial. As I was building the Containment Facility (under direction from the main dude in HQ), I noticed some areas were strictly 'Disabled for Tutorial', and I think when choosing the next thing to Research, there was still stuff marked in red.
Which leads me to my question: just how long does the tutorial actually last?
If I restart, and skip it, am I really just allowing myself more freedom in base location, layout, and the first mission, or am I also just totally set free after that with no direction, instead of still having a bit of a guiding hand? Put another, what might I be 'missing' by skipping the tutorial?