So here's my rig: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. AMD Phenom II x4 810 (2.6gHz) 4gb DDR2-800 AMD Radeon 5850 1gb, connected via HDMI to a Samsung 47" 1080p LCD TV.
I can play other games fine, though the ones I play the most are Civ V and UT3. However, Crysis exhibits an odd stuttering...
It will run incredibly smoothly, with frame rates often in excess of 50fps. However, about once a second, there's a small hitch or stutter. This is the only game I've seen this behavior in. This is not the microstutter exhibited by SLI systems, as I don't run SLI. I doubt it's texture streaming, as it occurs too often and too reliably (texture streaming stutters should occur when moving, yet this occurs even if I'm standing still). It occurs no matter what settings I use, whether 1080p w/ everything on Highest, or 800x600 w/ everything on Low. I've tried disabling all background programs except my Norton antivirus. If I can't find other solutions, I'll try disabling that - after I first disable my network connection. Sorry, I don't think gaming is important enough to compromise the security of your PC. Any other ideas about what could be causing this problem?