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At what rate do players and commanders receive resources per resource node?
I'm unclear on how resources gained by aliens and marines are gained and distributed to the teams and personal supplies.
First, how is the amount and frequency res gained calculated? I know it's a function of res nodes over time, but what's the actual equation? Is res gained even if the team doesn't have any resource nodes captured? Does going from one res node to two double the amount of res gained, or is it a different scale?
Second, how are the resources gathered distributed to the team (i.e., comm) and individual members of the team? Do players with with a higher "score" gain a higher percentage of the distribution? Is it based on how long a player has been alive or how much he's contributed to the team? Physical proximity to certain structures? Can a commander manually give extra resources to a player?
Third, is there anything the effects the costs of spending resources? Does evolving into an Onos always cost 75 resources? As an alien, is there a cost difference between going from a skulk to fade versus lurk to fade? As a commander, are some upgrades cheaper sooner or later depending on your current tech-tree? Do any structures offer a "discount" or "rebate"? Does doing well in a match effect any of these costs?
This may be a question overload, but there you go! Thanks in advance.