Another solution is, every time you get a word, you get that as fast as possible. If this is bugged, you reload the save game before you get Arcwind. If you are sent to Arcwind, just reload again.
In, my playthrough, Arcwind is the last word that Arngeir points to.
After I use console command to fix the issue, Arngeir says, "There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words"
That is even though I haven't found many words. For example, there is a word for slow time in labyryinthian. The fact that others ask how to find those words means they cannot get it easily from Arngeir
Note: This is a bug in dawnguard.
The bug is related to 3 drain vitality shouts
It seems that the "correct" way to solve the bug is to also read word wall in Northwind.
Fortunately, I choose to be a PC master race with the powah of console. So I just clear using console command
PC 360 PS3 NX (Note: This bug does not occur if Dawnguard is
not installed) If Arngeir gives Arcwind Point as the location of a
Word of Power, finding the word wall and learning the word may not
complete the "Find the Word of Power in Arcwind Point" miscellaneous
quest objective. The quest marker will remain in front of the word
wall. The word wall located at Northwind Summit completes this quest,
but only if it has not been previously found.[1]
PC The console command SetStage FreeFormHighHrothgarA 20
can be used to complete the quest, however Arngeir may give the quest again.
Setting Arcwind Point as cleared via SetLocationCleared fd685 1
prevent getting sent there again.
PC 360 PS3 Since finding the word wall at Northwind Summit is the only known way to resolve this bug, this can be avoided by
discovering the Arcwind Point word wall before the Northwind Summit
one. (in PC SSE it greybeards might still give you this wall
if you "fixed" this bug by getting Northwind Summit)