Linked Questions

3 votes
3 answers

I left my follower, Marcurio. When I try to recruit him, he thinks I already have another follower and won't follow me anymore [duplicate]

I was doing the quest to kill the Ice Wraith to join the Stormcloaks when I left my follower, Marcurio, on the side of a cliff because he was getting in the way.  After I completed the quest, I went ...
Sophie's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can't get followers after Riekling follower died [duplicate]

I tried to get a riekling, so I left my follower then got the riekling. My follower went out of the place and disappeared. I went to where I got her and tried getting her again, but she said "You ...
Austyn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

I can't get a follower on skyrim [duplicate]

I've apparently told my follower to stay put somewhere or they have died or something along those lines,I have slept and waited for days and days,I've used the dog companion fix,and ive done a mission ...
Dovahkiin 101's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Skyrim - Lost my unknown follower [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I get Skyrim to recognize I don't have a follower anymore? I lost my follower some time ago. I didnt noticed until i tried to get a new one and they told me that I ...
bam's user avatar
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How do I fix the "you already have a follower" glitch? [duplicate]

I wanted to give my housecarl a new weapon so I dismissed my current follower (Jenasa) and quickly had my housecarl follow me. I gave her the weapon, Had her return home, and caught Jen as she was at ...
UniqueNameGoodSir's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I get rid of a follower in Skyrim if I'm pretty sure she's dead? [duplicate]

I'd had a Dark Brotherhood initiate follow me for some time. A while back though, I'm almost positive I killed her (I think I was annoyed with her -- might've been in the way of a door or something). ...
ichasestarlight's user avatar
2 votes
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Why can’t I hire new followers in Skyrim when I don’t have any current ones? [duplicate]

I recently finished the "Rigmor of Cyrodiil" Skyrim mod and tried to hire Marcurio, but he says he will join me after I dismiss my current follower. Same with Serana. The problem is that I ...
Dominykas Guzis's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Skyrim "You already have a follower" issue

Whenever I try to get somebody to follow me in Skyrim they something in the lives with "You already have a follower.". The problem is, I don't. I have not, to my recollection, had a follower at any ...
Jonas Söderström's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How do I get a companion when it thinks I already have someone but I don't?

I had my companion with me on the mission "Forsworn Conspiracy" and after completing the mission they vanished. I figured 'oh well, I'll go get a different companion', but when I tried they were all ...
irichey25's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Followers don't follow after I fast travel somewhere

I was doing the recruiting for the blades after recruiting a mercenary and someone else, then I got the final recruit and fast traveled to Sky Haven Temple but my follower wasn't there. Later I went ...
Thomas Bears's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Two followers glitch [duplicate]

So I was wondering if you could have two named followers or if that is just with the DB recruit, one named follower and the slow time shout? I was wondering if you could have two main followers in ...
Draugr's user avatar
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