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Questions tagged [absolver]

A 2017 online melee action and role-playing game developed by SloClap and published by Devolver Digital for PS4 and PC. Players learn fighting moves by being exposed to them by NPCs and other players in order to augment their own arsenal of moves.

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How come nearly all of Absolver's attacks have frame advantage?

I'm new to Absolver, but I have played a few 3D fighting games before so I'm ok at understanding frame data. What I'm not quite getting about Absolver is how almost all attacks in the game are ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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Is there a way to get rid of unwanted equipment?

As I do in most games, I've been picking up everything that enemies drop. However, after 15 hours in single player and 30+ ranks into PVP, I've accumulated quite a lot of equipment, including a ton of ...
Vemonus's user avatar
  • 63.9k
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Is there a good place to learn Sword or War Glove moves?

After becoming an Absolver, I was sent back to Adal to continue my training. I've learned 50-60 bare fist moves, but I have learned a whopping total of 0 war glove and sword moves, due to the fact ...
Vemonus's user avatar
  • 63.9k
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Does "absorbing" in different directions have different effects?

In the Khalt style, you're told that you can press the right stick up, down, left, or right to "absorb" attacks. No matter which direction you press, you seem to do the same animation, glowing blue ...
Invader Skoodge's user avatar
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What's the downside of dying?

I've died a few times already. If another player character is near me, they can help me up. Otherwise, I can wait 60 seconds (which I haven't done; I'm impatient), or I can respawn instantly. What is ...
Invader Skoodge's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I equip more moves?

Currently, I can only equip two moves for the up/right and up/left stances, and one move each for the down/right and down/left stances, plus one extra move per stance on the other button. I've seen ...
Invader Skoodge's user avatar