Questions tagged [assassins-creed-3]

It's the fifth major installment and the third numbered title in the Assassin's Creed series. The main portion of Assassin's Creed III is set before, during and after the American Revolution from 1753 to 1783

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Assassins Creed 3 PC Visual and Camera Issues

Assassins Creed 3 on PC has been unbearable to play. When sailing out on the open sea, I will often notice flickering textures or various camera issues. & Camera issues PC Specs are: Intel i7 ...
Mano's user avatar
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Assassin Creed 3 Bug Cursor appear when use Shift+F2

I have a problem with Assassin Creed 3 when I want to check my FriendList with Shift+F2, the cursor should be normal cursor (desktop cursor), and when I close it by pressing Shift+F2 again, the ...
David Vincent's user avatar
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Assassins Creed 3 invisible coach bug

I have a very annoying bug where coach is always invisible, in cut-scenes and in general. The level of stupidity is really annoying as people literally sit in the air and horses pull them. Not only ...
Aubergine's user avatar
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Why is the mini-map not showing?

In Assassins creed 3 it is so hard for me to find people when I have to press back all the time. Other people have a small map at the bottom of their screen, but I don't. I was wondering how do I get ...
user66457's user avatar