Questions tagged [assassins-creed-4-black-flag]

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is the sixth installment in Ubisoft's epic war between the Assassin's Guild and the Templar Order. Set in the Caribbean sea circa 1700 AD, the tale follows the life of Edward Kenway, Caribbean "Privateer" extraordinaire and grandfather to AC3's Connor.

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Do mission ratings in Assassin's Creed IV actually go back to Ubisoft?

At the end of each mission in Assassin's Creed IV, players have the opportunity to rate the mission. Does this feedback actually go back to Ubisoft?
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Is there any way to get the social events to happen more often?

I'm pretty close to the end of the game and am trying to complete challenges. All three of the social challenges are still open, and all three at 2 apiece. On a different person's account, I saw all ...
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