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Questions tagged [borderlands-series]

a series of action role-playing first-person shooters set on the fictional space-western world of Pandora, and its moon. The series is especially known for its humor, co-operative game play, loot-driven mechanics and cell-shaded graphics. This tag should be used in context of the actual series, or uncertainty on the continuity of multiple titles.

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2 votes
0 answers

What enemies are without critical hit locations?

Inspired by my question about Rathyds, which might not have a critical hit location... Are there enemies without a critical hit location? If so, what are they?
Malady's user avatar
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Do Longbow Grenades teleport, or not?

The Wiki says that Longbow Grenades don't really teleport, but just travel really, really fast. But I think they're using a different idea of teleport than me. "Instanteous traversal of space&...
Malady's user avatar
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10 votes
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We have never been told what the ECHO acronym means, right?

We have never been told what the ECHO acronym means, right? In the first game, Claptrap calls it (1, 2): ... ECHO communication device and heads-up display ... So, it could be recursive... ECHO ...
Malady's user avatar
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Am I correct in how equipment level affects its stats?

Am I correct in how equipment level affects its stats? I know that rarity affects things too, but that's easier to grind for than level. Since I don't want to make a separate question for each game, ...
Malady's user avatar
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Who are the sirens we know about in Borderlands?

At the start of a new trailer for borderlands, Lillith says 'There are 6 sirens in the universe. I used to be one' I remember a few mentions of sirens, but it's been a while. So in the Borderlands ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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6 votes
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How quickly do Threshers grow? [minor spoilers]

The ultimate challenge in Borderlands 2 is Terramorphous, a gigantic thresher. We see some other gigantic threshers around the place, too. In the Pre-Sequel, we learn that threshers (two tiny ones) ...
rosuav's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Xbox One S Games Compatible with the Xbox 360

My husband & I have an XBox One S & have a friend with an Xbox 360. We want to play Borderlands. Is that possible?
Mandi's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

what's the timeline of the games in borderlands? [duplicate]

So I was just wondering what the timeline for borderlands? Because I have borderlands 1,borderlands 2,borderlands the pre sequel,and tales from borderlands. So if you know please answer.
captaincj2005's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Who is Angel's mother?

I played the 'snap' out of the Borderlands series and really know much about the games. But after the Pre-Sequel, I still have one big question: Who is Angel's mother? Since we only know about one ...
Mattu475's user avatar
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Should I play Borderlands The Presequel or Tales from the Borderlands first? [duplicate]

I'm currently about to play both games (are bought and installed). Played BL 1 and 2. Do either one have spoilers about the other (so I could play the unspoiled one first)
Fredy31's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

In which order should I play the Borderlands series?

I recently just beat Borderlands 1. There are a couple more missions left, but now I'm left wondering which Borderlands is next? I own Borderlands 2 but now the Pre-Sequel is out and apparently that ...
Rhys's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I Use a DLC Character on a Non-DLC PS3?

Okay, so a couple friends and I all have Borderlands 1 & 2 for the PS3, and I want to transfer some copies of my characters to their PS3. I already have a FAT32 formatted USB stick with my saves ...
Korrigus's user avatar
-5 votes
5 answers

What exactly is Borderlands the Pre-Sequel

I've been seeing pre-orders for this however I can't tell exactly what it is, from the title i can some to 2 assumptions It is a game that comes before (pre-) the Sequel to Borderlands (ie. ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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3 answers

Does the planet Pandora actively turn people insane?

Pretty much every minor and major character in Borderlands shows various degrees of insanity. Most of the population are bandits who are completely crazy. But even the neutral and friendly NPCs show ...
Philipp's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

How has combat changed from Borderlands to Borderlands 2?

I might rephrase it as, "What are things that a BL1 player should know jumping into BL2?" Not all of these are probably worth answering in regards to the main question, but here are some examples: ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How did most people come to be on Pandora?

Playing Borderlands 2 for a while, I've noticed something odd. There are clearly two human factions, one, the bandits, are uncivilized, wild, and will do anything for some "fresh meat". The other ...
childe's user avatar
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