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Questions tagged [call-of-duty-ghosts]

Call of Duty: Ghosts is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward (Treyarch for the Wii U version) with Raven Software assisting in development for multiplayer and Neversoft assisting in development for Extinction Mode and published by Activision also with the help of Havok Games.

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How to free XBox 360 storage on XBox One?

So, basically, I want to download the Nemesis Map Pack on Call of Duty: Ghosts. As you may know, CoD:Ghosts is a 360 game that is backward compatible on Xbox One. When I go to the download screen, it ...
Natedawg210th's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure NPC loadouts in Local Play?

I recently booted up my old PS3 and I've been having a blast playing on Local Play against some bots. I really want to configure the loadouts that my team has. Is there a way to do this?
The Potato Man's user avatar
4 votes
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What are my options for activating previously activated Steam games?

I purchased some games second-hand from someone else. I have the original discs, cases and product codes. However I cannot activate the games because they were activated by the previous owner, whoever ...
Geoff Martin's user avatar
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Gun game is missing on PS4

I’ve played COD:Ghosts the other day on a PS3 and really like playing gun game. So to start with I brought COD:WW2 but to my disappointment there was no gun game. Today I brought COD:Ghosts but again ...
zeebaah's user avatar
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Is Call of Duty: Ghosts backwards compatible?

If I have a Xbox 360 version of CoD Ghosts and play on the Xbox One can I play with people who have a Xbox One disc?
zlviision's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I farm teeth?

In the Extinction game mode you can unlock perks/upgrades by spending "teeth". Some of these perks, such as the ark pistol attachment and cryptid ammo greatly improve your chances at beating a map. ...
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Call of Duty: Ghosts, stuck in "No Man's Land"

As the title says, I am on the mission No Man's Land. Just after we take control of Riley for the first time we have two guards, one of which we have to kill, the one watering the grass, Hesh or Logan ...
Peter Anderson's user avatar
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How can I activate a guard dog on cod ghosts? [duplicate]

How do I activate a guard dog on cod ghosts?
Game's user avatar
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1 answer

Why my games doesnt appear like it runs under 60 fps?

Let me give you an example that might explain you my question: When Im watching 60fps videos of people playing CoD Ghosts it really looks very smooth, but when I play it on my PC it looks like 30fps? ...
nfsalon's user avatar
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Creating a Call of Duty Ghosts account [duplicate]

Apparently they've gotten rid of the COD Ghosts app so how am i supposed to create an account or a clan? When i click on barracks in the multiplayer menu the only thing it shows is Leaderboards and ...
Christian's user avatar
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1 answer

Are you invulnerable during a Killstreak in Call of Duty Ghosts?

I've been trying out some of the killstreaks on COD Ghosts and was surprised that I've never been killed while using them yet. I'm not sure if this is pure luck or a game mechanic. For example when ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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Does Call of Duty on the Xbox One use more data online?

Do the Xbox One versions of Call of Duty Ghosts and Advanced Warfare use more data playing online then they did/do on the Xbox 360?
Krissy's user avatar
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Two seperate Xboxes both having disc problems

We had an Xbox 360 S 4GB, got some XBLG for Christmas for my siblings to play on while they were in down, but it kept doing this: The disc ...
Craig Butikofer's user avatar
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Why can't my brother play my copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts after a system transfer?

My Xbox 360 broke. I have Call of Duty: Ghosts on my Live account. I bought another Xbox 360 and downloaded it to my new Xbox 360. I have a brother who also has an account on my new Xbox 360 (as he ...
dev's user avatar
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Using the riot shield in extinction mode of COD: Ghosts

In extinction mode, how can I put riot shield on my back to protect myself from the attacks behind after purchasing the shield?
Shibli's user avatar
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My cod: ghosts multiplayer keeps crashing. What do I do?

In the middle of any match in cod: ghosts (multiplayer) it crashes and says "You must be signed in to Xbox Live to play Xbox Live matches" and I was just playing 5 seconds ago. Please help me, this is ...
Jamd's user avatar
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How do I activate a killstreak reward?

During the online play in CoD: Ghosts, after getting a killstreak reward which button should I press to activate that reward?
Shibli's user avatar
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Call of Duty Ghosts Private Hardcore Match with Killcam enabled

Is it possible to host a private hardcore match and have killcam enabled? It's way more fun that way. Thanks.
Francisc's user avatar
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Are there any coupons/codes/vouchers in the COD: Ghosts PS4 manual?

I'm thinking about buying the game used, and there are a few that sell without the manual. Does the original games comes with anything extra in the manual, that's not in the PDF?
shinjin's user avatar
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Guard dogs: where do they come from?

How come some people seem to have dogs always, is there a time where it is automatically there? Maybe at a certain level or is it always a Kill streak?
Bruce's user avatar
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How do you uninstall a Map Pack on Call of Duty Ghosts (PS4)?

Is it possible to uninstall the Onslaught Map Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts on Playstation 4? There was a recent update that merged the Map Pack lobbies with the normal, default map lobbies and now ...
Reanimation's user avatar
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Does joining Diamond Division restrict you from winning Gold Division awards?

Half my clan has 3/4 body parts of the Red Uniform Set and we're interested in joining Diamond Division. In case we do join the Diamond Division, would we be capable of winning 1st item of the Yellow ...
Iancovici's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the best way to defeat the breeder on nightfall in Call of Duty:Ghosts Extinction?

The question is pretty cut-and-dry. How to most efficiently kill the breeder(aka the first boss) on Nightfall?
Cole Busby's user avatar
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Does the graphic settings affects the ping?

In my case lowering the graphic settings seems to lower my ping. So, does it happens with all player or the graphic settings has nothing to do with the ping? I am playing Call of Duty: Ghost if that ...
Broskiee's user avatar
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How to make icon-based clan name in CoD Ghost?

I don't understand how people can hack PS4 games like using 30 perks at once, and treating assault streak like it's support streak (dying doesn't break the streak). But some of the other ones I'm ...
Iancovici's user avatar
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How to activate guard dog after kill streak?

How does the dog get activated after getting kill streak?
user67797's user avatar
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What does the trophy do in extinction?

When playing on Call of Duty: Ghosts in extinction mode you can pick up a "Trophy" which can be placed on the ground but it does not have an obvious effect of what it does. My question is does ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Which Operations unlock uniforms for my character in COD Ghosts?

I'd like a list of operations for each of the uniform pieces in COD Ghosts but I can't seem to find one. Does one exist?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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What are all of the emblems/patches in COD Ghosts and how do I unlock them?

Does anyone have an exhaustive list of patches and their unlock requirements?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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In COD Ghosts, do I lose progress on my operations if I get new operations before completing the old ones?

I have a bunch of operations that I'm working on but i probably won't finish them before the timer runs out and i get new operations. Will I lose the progress I made? Is there a way to prevent ...
FistOfFury's user avatar
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How do I unlock new uniforms in COD: Ghosts?

I don't like the uniform I have in Call of Duty: Ghosts. I want something that's harder to see. How do I unlock new uniforms for my soldier?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Can players from different platforms join the same clan?

I know you can't play cross-platform, but can people who play CoD Ghost on a PC or Xbox join a clan that is mostly of PS4 and PS3 players? Apparently PS3 and PS4 can, we have 2 players competing with ...
Iancovici's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I get map specific events (like Mortar or KEM Strike) in COD: Ghosts?

Several times I'll be playing multiplayer in COD Ghosts and the opposing team will call in some kind of killstreak (like KEM Strike) that kills the entire team and changes the map layout. How do I ...
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Can I play COD: Ghosts with my Xbox 360 friends if I have an Xbox One? [duplicate]

I have COD Ghosts for xbox one and my brother has it for xbox 360. I can see him in my friends list from the menu but I can't seem to join his game or invite him to mine. Is this possible?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Quickest way to get squad points in COD: Ghosts?

I'm having a hard time trying out different guns and equipment because I don't have enough squad points. One trick I tried is unlocking different squad members in order to try different initial ...
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Best weapon to destroy enemy aircraft in COD: Ghosts?

I haven't found a lock-on launcher in COD: Ghosts multiplayer. What is the best weapon for taking out an enemy killstreak aircraft, e.g. helicopter?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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What guns do the most damage in COD: Ghosts?

I noticed that certain guns are able to kill in fewer hits than others. Some sniper rifles say they are "Deadly from the knee up". What guns can kill in the least amount of shots?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Which game type earns the most XP in COD Ghosts?

I'm trying to level up my character in COD: Ghosts multiplayer. I noticed that in some game types I get good XP in a short time while other games give less even though the games last longer. Which ...
FistOfFury's user avatar
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What is the XP limit in squad mode?

There is most definitely an XP limit in Squad Mode. But does anyone know what the limit is? I don't ever seem to be able to go more than a level up at a time.
peper757's user avatar
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On what basis are squad points gained during multiplayer gameplay (not counting operations / levels up)?

Actually, I wonder how many points you get on level-up, and is it a constant, or is it more at higher levels. I always forget to notice it when I lvl up! But the real question is, what are other ...
Violet Giraffe's user avatar
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How many squad points do you need you unlock everything in COD: Ghosts?

There are a lot of equipment/perks/slots you can unlock with squad points in COD: Ghosts. Some of the perks will automatically unlock by ranking up normally without spending any squad points. At ...
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Do silencers reduce the amount of damage that guns do?

I see that on the gun stats that adding a suppressor on any gun reduces both the range and the damage bar what does it actually do to the guns performance?
Aaron128l's user avatar
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How much health does a maniac have in COD: Ghosts?

The kill-streak called "Maniac" doesn't let you regenerate health. How much damage can you actually take before dying when you're using the maniac killstreak?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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Is it faster to level up in COD: Ghosts in Multiplayer or Squad mode?

From what I can tell, Squads and multiplayer both allow you to level up your COD characters. Squads allows you to play with all of your characters, but with multiplayer you have to choose a character....
FistOfFury's user avatar
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How does the new Create a Soldier system work in COD: Ghosts?

I'm confused by the new customization system in COD: Ghosts. Do I have to create a new soldier for every customization i want? How does it compare to the "Pick 10" system from Black ops 2?
FistOfFury's user avatar
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What are the divisions in CoD Ghosts clan wars?

Is it like the following descending order: Platinum Gold Silver Bronze or is it like last call of duty where Master is the highest division.
Iancovici's user avatar
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Games graphics appear incorrect while on HDMI

I play games on my Dell XPS laptop, All games are running normal graphics, no lags or freezing and everything is okay but the problem comes when I connect the laptop to my TV through the HDMI. Games ...
Mina Hafzalla's user avatar
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What counts as points towards capturing a location in clan wars?

What counts as points towards capturing a location in clan wars in Call of Duty: Ghosts? This doesn't seem to be documented or explained too well. Also, it doesn't seem to update consistently in the ...
Andy Fleming's user avatar
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Do you need Xbox LIVE for Squads in Call of Duty: Ghosts?

Before I get CoD: Ghosts I'd like to know if you need Xbox Live for Squads because I don't have Xbox Live, if it doesn't need LIVE I'll get it soon - since you can practise with your Squad on ...
Jamd's user avatar
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What are the perks in Call of Duty: Ghosts?

Call of Duty: Ghosts has a pretty similar game style to previous games in the series, but knowing what the perks are can be useful.
CodyEngel's user avatar
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