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Questions tagged [civilization-5-gods-and-kings]

Gods and Kings is an expansion pack to Sid Meier's Civilization V.

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Are there any ways to have multiple copies of the same building in one city?

Apparently, the API method for controlling buildings takes an integer count: pCity:SetNumRealBuilding(GameInfoTypes["BUILDING_MONUMENT"], 1) (Link.) This seems to get used with values ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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How did Austria expand to 4 tiles away without a citadel?

No mods. Austria somehow has two tiles that are 4 away from a city, which seems to be against the rules. This is a team single player game (2 humans vs 3 prince vs 3 prince). Is it a bug? It seems to ...
DharmaTurtle's user avatar
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Can you build with a worker and a legion at the same time?

Legions can build roads, which is quite handy. Can you use a worker to improve a tile while a legion is constructing a road at the same tile?
klutt's user avatar
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Civilization V Patronage social policy tree when playing as Alexander

Alexander the Great has the Hellenic League bonus in Civilization V, which means that "City-State influence degrades half as slowly as normal, and it recovers at twice the speed as for other ...
cholo14's user avatar
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Which wonders can I not speed up with a Great Engineer in Civ 5 BNW?

In Civilization V BNW it is possible to speed up the production of a city with a Great Engineer. This is particularly convenient when building a wonder; it can be finished in one turn in most cases. ...
DK2AX's user avatar
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City State Empire?

I was wondering what conditions cause a City State to puppet a conquered city instead of burning it down. I know sometimes it happens when they capture a city that cannot be razed, but that's not the ...
Halloween Harry's user avatar
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How to capture a city (take over another civilisation) and what is a warmonger penalty?

I've been playing civilisation for just over 5 months and I really don't know how to capture a city. In the industrial era, I invaded one of Poland's cities and easily knocked it down to no health! ...
Mobbuzzter's user avatar
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Civ V and City State Allies

Ok, i am very far into my game of civ v atm, i have many allies. The problem is with the Byzantinum Empire. It seesms that any city state connected to their borders gains some sort of static influence ...
user147209's user avatar
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Nvidia GPU freezes on black screen, runs fine with integrated GPU

I installed Civ5 on Windows 7 and was able to run it fine on maximum settings on my laptop's Geforce 740M. However, after running fine for two or three times, the game now hangs after the intro ...
jmng's user avatar
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Can't purchase Great Prophet

So I just got the message that my automatic purchase of Great Prophet is no longer valid! Checking the religion list of automatic purchases, the Prophet pick is gone, only buildings and missionaries ...
Sandokan's user avatar
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Spreading religion with caravans

I'm a bit confused as to how I should interpret religious pressure from caravans. As I understand, establishing this trade route will net Venice 1 Gold and 4 Science while I recive 6 Gold. But what ...
Sandokan's user avatar
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Duration of defensive pacts in late game

My English civilisation is close friends with the Dutch and we've had a succession of defensive pacts to hold off the Carthaginians, Japanese, Americans, and Portuguese. I have G&K and BNW ...
GeoffAtkins's user avatar
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Nothing in city production list, unable to select anything to build

In this instance, I have just finished constructing a settler, and I'm unable to select another unit/building for production. The supposedly completed settler is nowhere to be found. In the image ...
kevlarjacket's user avatar
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Why am I unable to purchase a tile outside of my current cultural area?

Is there a way for me to select which tile my city expands to? In the example below, I would like to expand to the gold tile in the north east, but it looks like the city will take the highlighted ...
kevlarjacket's user avatar
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Can I switch religions to that of a conquered opponent?

I'm playing America/Hinduism, and just conquered Ethiopia/Christianity, but the strength of the Christianity has taken over all of my cities. All I can do with religion is build Pagodas and great ...
Jim Horn's user avatar
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Civilization 5 Start Location

In this answer, I had to put some restriction: IGE modification only. For some reason my friend did not use worldbuilder. My friend asked me on how to make settlers to not placed in a certain location ...
heno72's user avatar
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Playing Civ V with Steam on different PC

My friend and I want to play Civ V together using LAN. His laptop isn't te newest one and has some performance issues so we thought that he could play on mine using his Steam account since I have two ...
user30935's user avatar
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Does Swedens UA work in team-games?

Lets say I setup a game 3v3, and I'm sweden, will I automatically get the 20% bonus from having 2 allies?
Shelby115's user avatar
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When Capturing City-States do bonuses remain?

What I mean is do the City-States type bonuses (Extra Food, Religion, Culture, Special Luxuries, etc) remain with the city when captured. So if I capture a Faith-based City-State with I gain the +2 ...
Shelby115's user avatar
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Effects of your response to Denoucing?

Does your response to being denounced have an effect? If so, what effect? You'll pay for this Very well Does this change between Vanilla, G&K, and BNW (in over-all effect or minor adjustments)?
Shelby115's user avatar
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How to keep up on Science on Immortal?

Preamble: I don't care for direct science victory as a primary objective, however; I do realize the importance of science for the game. On Emperor I have no problem keeping up on science against the ...
Shelby115's user avatar
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What social policy reduces border growth via culture?

The city contains a monument that generates +2 culture. However, the net Culture says zero. The tooltip for Culture +0 says "-2 from policies". What policy causes the -2?
Drew's user avatar
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Why can't I puppet a City-State in Civ V?

I started a game of Civilisation V with God & Kings expansion (GOTY edition, so a bunch of DLC as well). Started as Genghis Khan and warred a bit for prospective expansion areas, gaining an enemy ...
eimyr's user avatar
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Civ V Multiplayer - Change turn mode while in a game

Me and my friends are enjoying a game of Civilization V, but when everyone got affected in a war - everything started to go so slow. That's because I selected hybrid turn mode by an accident when ...
ThomasGulli's user avatar
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How do I increase my gold production?

I'm new to the civilization series, and noticed that my units disband when my gold drops to negative. How can I improve my gold production to prevent this from happening again?
narutogoku's user avatar
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What is the difference between global and local happiness?

In Civilization V some buildings or policies affect local happiness, while others global. What's the difference? I understand local means per city, but does it have any different effects towards the ...
thomaux's user avatar
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What to do with excess Culture?

(BNW)Granted, I understand it's exceptionally difficult to adopt every social policy and ideological tenant before achieving any other victory condition... but I actually managed to do it by accident ...
user71609's user avatar
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Found religion in capital or border city?

In my current Civ5 game, I have four cities relatively close to each other and I just got the first great prophet. Should I found the religion in my capital (most population atm.) or should I found ...
Martin's user avatar
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Found city in desert hex or improveable tile beside desert hex?

In Civilization 5, given a situation where you have several desert hexes around a prospective founding location and a few non-desert hexes (e.g. grassland), is it better to found the city itself in ...
Martin's user avatar
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Why can't I build pagodas in Civilization 5?

I have the pagoda belief yet none of my cities let me purchase. All of them have my religion and I have plenty of faith but it won't even give me the option.
Deathmason's user avatar
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Missing oil graphic

Alright, I am completely tired of having to remember which tiles have oil because for some reason they never show up if they are on water or if some sort of improvement has been made on an oil land ...
Paralytic's user avatar
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If you conquer a holy city do you take "ownership" of that religion?

I've conquered a city that was the holy city for one of the religions. I didn't manage to found a religion myself. Does this mean I own that religion and can upgrade it and do whatever else the ...
mazz0's user avatar
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How do I re-enable Civ 5's opening movie?

I bought Civ 5 and clicked too quickly on the intro video the first time I loaded the game. Now it doesn't play anymore but I would like to see it again. I cannot seem to find where to reset it. I ...
NomadeNumerique's user avatar
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Will losing a strategic resource disband units?

Does losing a strategic resource make a military unit any less effective, disband them, or else? Or is there no negative effect? I ask specifically thinking about strategic resources I gain via trade ...
SnakeDoc's user avatar
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Do special buildings need citizens to produce benefits?

In Civ 5, do special buildings (ones that can generate Great People) need citizens to produce their benefits other than Great Person Points? For example: The Bank building gives +25% Gold and 1 ...
zechdc's user avatar
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What determines which religion the computer will found?

When I play Civ V, it seems as though some religions are more likely to be founded by the computer. For example, in Gods and Kings, it felt like Christianity was almost always the first religion ...
Michael Campbell's user avatar
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What's good about a city adopting your religion? What is bad about it adopting another's?

I have been promoting my own religion in my cities, but some have fallen to others' religions instead. I know that I can only buy faith-based assets in cities that are following my religion, and that ...
fbrereto's user avatar
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Can you capture an enemy settler before they settle the capital city?

Could you take out a civilization before it starts by killing its starting settlers and warriors? On a duel map, could you do this and win without founding your capital either?
Crubleigh's user avatar
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How can I enable Civ 5 Mods button on Mac OS X Mountain Lion? [duplicate]

EDIT: Figured it out. Looks like in the other thread, the updated G&K directions were incorrect (at least for me). I simply followed the original directions and found the Controls.ModsButton:...
Nav's user avatar
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Why would my cities go into a demand loop for luxury resources?

Every so often, your cities will want a luxury item and if they get it, they will enter "We love the king day". Is it normal for multiple cities to demand the same resource? 4 of my cities wanted ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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How does attrition work

I recently made a helicopter gunship and it said I could position it over mountains. So, I moved it onto one of my mountains. A few turns later, my gunship dies of attrition. How does this happen - ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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How do City State unit gifts work?

Earlier in the game, I received a few units from allied CS Valetta. The odd part is that these units were H'wachas, a Korea only unit. There was no Korea in this game to gift it to them either. How ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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Will events happen the same in identical saves?

Recently my graphics card crashed and I was unable to save my game before I restarted. If I started back from a previous save, would events be the same, or different? Would CS's give the same quests? ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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Do inquisitors affect city states?

An allied CS has a quest open to get my religion (Atheism). The CS is mostly Christian (the enemy civ) so when I try missionaries, it does not affect it very much. So I got an inquisitor to try and ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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What are the chances of a spy stealing your cities' information?

I understand that in the espionage tab of the game, there are stars next to the your cities and that they refer to the potential that each city has. However, I have more cities with 5-star potential ...
David Toh's user avatar
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What defines "Friendly territory?"

In order to fortify my units I have to be in friendly territory. I have had to go into territory for it to work, but sometimes I don't have to. Is there a set number of tiles away that allows for ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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Do new units get the bonuses of previous unique units?

Does the new unit (one you can produce) have theses effects, or is it only upgraded ones? example: If I upgrade my Russian cossack (+25% damage against damaged units) to a GDR, it will keep this bonus....
Crubleigh's user avatar
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How do I get fireballs?

I was playing a game in G+K when my AI team mates started attacking some city states. I noticed that the catapults and even the pike men were throwing fireballs. How do I do that? I know players can ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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Do Papal Primacy and Consulates stack?

Papal Primacy: +15 to influence resting point with City-States following this religion Consulates: +20 to influence resting point with all City-States Assuming the city state has adopted the correct ...
Ryre's user avatar
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How to calculate gold earned from a Wonder if another civilization finishes first?

In Civilization V I noticed that when you are about to finish producing a Wonder and another civilization finishes it first, you will earn gold equivalent to how much production you have produced for ...
Mark's user avatar
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