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Questions tagged [company-of-heroes]

Company of Heros (often called CoH) is a real time strategy game, developed by Relic Entertainment, and relased on September 12, 2006. It was the first title to use the "Games for Windows" label, and has 2 standalone expansion packs

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How can I use the strategic map to ease macro in CoH?

There is a nice strategic map popping up when hitting NUM0 that displays all available units of your own as well as points of strategic relevance and discovered enemy troops. This is already nice from ...
mafu's user avatar
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Is there really any way to remove the Fog of War for Company of Heroes LAN mode?

I play Company of Heroes online using Game Ranger and have found sometimes that the opponent doing things which they should not be able to do. For example, in a match I remember the opponent was ...
Biman Ghosh's user avatar
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Map selection in automatch CoH

The automatch setup screen will allow you to deselect a fixed number 3(?) maps from the ones included in the automatch rotation. I have noticed though that this seems to be more of a hint than ...
Akusete's user avatar
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LAN problem with Age of Empires and Company of Heroes

Recently, I have had trouble connecting two laptops on the same Wi-Fi hotspot to play a local game of the original Age of Empires 3. I have been able for some time to use it with no problem in the ...
Alexander101202's user avatar
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Using Company of Heroes mods on Mac

I want to use a mod for Company of Heroes (specifically Modern Combat) and am not sure how to install and use a mod on the Mac version of Company of Heroes. It is not a Steam game, it is downloaded ...
Chris Loonam's user avatar
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Arrow keys seem to be stuck on?

I'm not sure how it happens, but when I'm scrolling around the screen with the arrow keys, occasionally, the screen will start scrolling in one direction, even without me pressing the keys. It's like ...
user18376's user avatar