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Questions tagged [crysis-2]

Crysis 2 is a first-person shooter. The player assumes the role of a Force Recon Marine called Alcatraz. Like the original Crysis, it provides freedom to customize weaponry and abilities.

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Why does my computer perform much worse on dx11 than dx9

The games I noticed it on was crysis 2 and L.A. Noire It will give me this weird like mouse lag where its really delayed and it plays much worse. Specs: Processor=Intel i5 4690k GPU=XFX Radeon R9 ...
tmkmbl's user avatar
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Crysis 2 doesn't match my gamepad inputs

I'm using a Speedlink XEOX Pro Analog Wireless Gamepad. When playing Crysis 2 Maximum Edition on Steam, my controller input doesn't register until I push quite far on the right analog stick; this ...
physicalcog's user avatar
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Can I play multiplayer?

I bought Crysis 2 Maximum Edition on the Steam Holiday Sale and downloaded it yesterday. I speedrunned the story but now I want to play multiplayer, but with the fall of gamespy, Crysis 2 Multiplayer ...
ave's user avatar
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Crysis 2 BUG after defeating 1st Pinger

In the game Crysis 2, after the destroying the first Pinger, there is a glitch. I'm at the part when you encounter the first pinger. After I defeat it the wall falls down and 2 jeeps dive out of it. ...
Broskiee's user avatar
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Where can I find a pistol silencer in the single player campaign?

How can you get a silencer for the M12 Nova and Feline? I completed the game and during the whole playthough I only encountered one. During the mission "Lab Rat" where you are attacked by a Cell ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Error when trying to get into multiplayer

I cannot go into multiplayer mode in Crysis 2! I recently bought Crysis 2 Maximum Edition on Steam. I also registered at Mycrisis. But I cannot get into the multiplayer mode. I always get an error ...
LostPhysx's user avatar
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How can I use my gamepad trackball with Crysis 2 and Xpadder?

I've recently installed Crysis 2 in my PC (Win7 x64bit). I wanted to use my joystick (a gamepad like the ones for the PlayStation) with the game. So I've installed Xpadder to make the joystick ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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Is the pinger really weaker at the back?

In the first Pinger battle, it's suggested that it has a weak point at the back, and you should concentrate your fire there. This is shown visually too, by the back parts being red, like other enemies'...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I play Crysis 2 without shutting down ProcExp and Visual Studio?

I'm a developer. When I have some spare time, I like to play the occasional game. Crysis 2 won't run if I have Visual Studio or Process Explorer running – which I do at all times. Sometimes I have a ...
RomanSt's user avatar
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Does collecting keys and dogtags have any purpose other than Trophies?

Is there a specific reason to collect all of these car keys, or all of the dog tags? To put it simply, are these only in the game for those try-hard gamers that think they have to get everything in a ...
TwistedChaos's user avatar
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Crysis 2: Pinger battle?

Once I get to the Pinger battle on the mission "Corporate Collapse" In Crysis 2 and I start battling it everything seems fine but when I beat the Pinger the next objective is to Regroup with Chino at ...
TwistedChaos's user avatar
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Crysis 2 activation on Steam

I'm thinking about picking up a copy of Crysis 2 on PC, and saw it for £8 in my local supermarket (a lot cheaper than on Origin) - I would love to use this on Steam instead, so can I activate the disk ...
soulBit's user avatar
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What extra steps do I need to take to play and patch Crysis 2 on the PC?

I recently built a computer that should be able to run Crysis 2 very well. So I'm thinking about getting a physical copy of the PC version in order to experience Crysis 2 at its finest. I'm worried ...
Metaphile's user avatar
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What does the "Tactical Options Available" message mean?

The nanosuit thingy says this whenever I'm approaching potential hell. What does this mean? Do I press something for it to give me details?
Mob's user avatar
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How to play Crysis 2 in Third Person view mode

In "Saves" directory of Crysis 2, I saw a file named "actionmaps.xml" which says <action name="flymode" onPress="1" noModifiers="1"> <key name="f3"/> </action> <action ...
LifeH2O's user avatar
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How to increase the difficulty in Crysis 2?

I had a bug in game which made me change difficulty to very easy. And now I am unable to increase the difficulty again after passing that chapter. How do I change the difficulty?
LifeH2O's user avatar
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Crysis2 complains of Strict NAT and cannot find session

There's loads about this online, but I've followed all the advice I've found so far. My machine is on a static local IP. I've opened all the ports in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\...
theheadofabroom's user avatar
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Effect of silencer in Crysis 2

When attaching the silencer to the scarab or the M12, does it have any effect other than making the enemies not notice me? Does it decrease accuracy or firepower? Do I have a reason to take it off my ...
Ziv's user avatar
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What are the differences between the PS3 and 360 versions of Crysis 2?

I am looking to buy Crysis 2, but am trying to figure out which system to buy it on. I don't have a fast enough computer (yet), so my choice is between the PS3 and Xbox360. I am looking for an ...
Mikey's user avatar
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How does the holographic attachment work?

Some weapons have the holographic attachment, of which I haven't seen any practical use, yet. How do they work? Do I have to press a button, or do they have a situational effect?
DrFish's user avatar
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campaign nano-points

The number of nano-points I have seems to decrease without me spending them - is this a feature I wasn't told about or just that I must be dying and forgetting to pick the samples up again? I could ...
theheadofabroom's user avatar
7 votes
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Exchanging identical weapons in Crysis 2

In the Crysis 2 campaign you're given the chance to exchange the weapon you're holding for the same model of weapon whenever you find one. Why is this? Do the weapons wear out, or is there really no ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
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How do I change the field of view in the Crysis 2 Demo?

I want to change Field of view in Crysis 2 demo to make it wider. Is there a console like in Counter-Strike where I can type a command, or is there another way to do it?
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How to turn on an infrared vision in Crysis 2 Demo?

I often see other players kill me with infrared vision turned on(they see other players in blue, red colors). How can I turn it on too?
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Stuck on "Starting in 1..." in Crysis 2 demo

I just downloaded the Crysis 2 demo via Steam. It launches ok, showed an intro movie, and lists a bunch of servers to join. However, every time I join a game it does the 60 second count down and ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
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How can I change the graphics settings manually in the Crysis 2 demo?

In the Crysis 2 Demo, there are only 3 graphics options (gamer, advanced, hardcore). Can I change graphics options manually, like I could do in Crysis? Things like environment detail, anti-aliasing, ...
DrFish's user avatar
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"Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface" when trying to run Crysis 2 demo

I've downloaded the Crysis 2 demo through Stream, but when I try to run it I immediately get the error message Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface! and nothing happens after clicking ...
Oak's user avatar
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