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Questions tagged [days-gone]

Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in post-apocalyptic Oregon. The game's protagonist is Deacon St. John, who after receiving some new information, sets out to find his wife. The game was developed by Bend Studio.

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How to trigger the final NERO encounter?

I've finished the game, and am driving around waiting for the final NERO encounter to trigger. I've seen walkthroughs of the gameplay where they say "drive around for a while until it triggers", ...
Alan's user avatar
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Days Gone side quest scores

On NERO Check points and killing Hordes I find myself completing them and always getting between 16%-90% and I keep wondering how and why I keep getting these seemingly random scores. How can I score ...
Jacob Ryan Ingram's user avatar
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Is there a way to speed up the blue questionmark encounters?

Once in a while blue question marks appear on the minimap. Sometimes they have blue circles on the world map1 but sometimes there is no other clue except for the direction at all. and since the marker ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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Can you miss the chance to achieve 100%?

So yesterday I had a quest (a white rather than a yellow marker) that was leading me again to Sarahs tombstone. I think it was called "I shouldn't have come here" or something like that. I continued a ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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Are any of the story lines optional in Days Gone?

I'm at the beginning of Days Gone, and it has various story lines. You may complete them in any order you choose, I'm wondering if any of them are optional, or if you must complete them all to finish ...
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