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Questions tagged [deep-rock-galactic]

A sci-fi co-op first-person shooter game developed by Ghost Ship Games. Released 2018 for the PC and Xbox One.

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3 votes
1 answer

How does the Pheromones status effect affect the Nemesis?

The Scout's Pheromone Canister grenade as well as their crossbow weapon can apply the Pheromones status effect. The Nemesis can grab the hologram from the Engineer's L.U.R.E grenade. The hologram is ...
Madjura's user avatar
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1 answer

What does the Piercing damage type do in Deep Rock Galactic

So with the latest Season 2 update, new weapons were added into the game. With that, a new damage type appeared unde Miner's Manual > Overview > Combat > Damage Types: the Piercing damage ...
Marty Cagas's user avatar
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1 answer

How often do season challenges refresh?

There are three season challenges and they don't appear to refresh at the same time when completed. Is it once per day at midnight? I.e., in any given 24-hour period only one new challenge will appear ...
Wolf's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do I accrue progress towards the next KPI milestone if I don't collect its perk points?

In my pod bay of the space rig is the screen with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with milestones that, when completed, award perk points. When a milestone is marked as completed, I've always ...
Wolf's user avatar
  • 36k
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1 answer

Do the resources in your hands at end of mission count?

Does having resources (e.g. Enor Pearl) in hand (physically carrying) when boarding the ship at the end of a mission count toward the resources collected during the mission?
Philippe Cayouette's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Does Pots O' Gold in Deep Rock Galactic yield a bonus for mining behind minerals (collapsing)?

Does the Pots O' Gold bonus from the Abyss Bar drink yield the mining bonus for gold that you "collapse" by mining behind or just gold that you mine by hitting directly? Asking because I ...
ebpa's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do the 'Steeves' work? How do I tell which 'Steeve' is mine?

One of the perks in Deep Rock Galactic is 'Beast Master'. It allows you to: Charm a Glyphid Grunt to become your loyal companion. You can only have one tamed Grunt at a time. (5-minute cooldown) The ...
galacticninja's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I do a Deep Rock Galactic promotion assignment on a different class than the one I am promoting?

If I start the Driller Promotion Assignment (for example) do I have to complete the missions on the Driller? Or can I use one of the other three classes?
Alex's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What do the various beers do?

Some of the beer choices in Deep Rock Galactic have crazy effects like freezing your dwarf, giving you double vision, or explosive gas that launches you around the space rig. Others seem to have no ...
Booga Roo's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What are the rules for XP/gold gained, especially for mission requirements?

If the mission is to mine Morkite, and you get more Morkite after meeting the quota - does that net gold, XP, or both? Is it reduced? What about Nitra, in general? Does mining more give any benefit ...
Tyler Shellberg's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How does the Cryo Cannon's ‘Fragile’ upgrade work?

The Cryo Cannon's ‘Fragile’ upgrade is described as "frozen targets can spontaneously shatter". The way in which it is worded suggests that there is a random chance for frozen targets to shatter. ...
galacticninja's user avatar