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Questions tagged [deus-ex-mankind-divided]

The fourth game in the Deus Ex series, and a sequel to Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It was developed by Eidos Montreal.

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11 votes
1 answer

Has anyone decoded this message from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided?

I recently came across this post on Puzzling SE, and after some heavy research I haven't come up with an answer. The issue is that in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, there is what appears to be an encrypted ...
Taco's user avatar
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Can you stun guards in Mission 5 without making Miller angry?

I "cleaned up" the mess at the station in Mission 5 except for two units and the People stunned and cleanly stacked in storerooms (after all DX:MD is a cleaning game like every other stealth game) ...
Rayne's user avatar
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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Cannot purchase Icarus Landing augmentation

I am currently at the start of M10 (Facing the Enigma), and I just realized that I cannot unlock the Icarus Landing augmentation (neither the Descent Velocity Modulator sub-aug). The augmentation is ...
Graumagier's user avatar
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How do I unequip grenades in DeusEx: Mankind Divided

I keep on accidentally throwing grenades - more than a dozen instances, and I'm only eight hours into the game. I'd like to unequip all my grenades to prevent me from continually misthrowing them. I ...
Jamin Grey's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can I rescue the girl AND collect the bank info?

So I've been fooling around in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and I decided to already break into the VersaLife vault after finding their vault keycard in a bank office early on. I figured this would be a ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Passing install parameters for Steam game from Windows command line

I play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (DXMD) on an AWS EC2 spot instance using Steam streaming, following this tutorial to create an AMI. From experience, I found that I can install Steam but cannot install ...
strongbad03's user avatar
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Hidden locations with the only one way to reach them

In Deus Ex HR I remember for sure there was a place in sewers where you can break the wall and find a praxis kit and this was the only way to get there. I wonder, are there similar locations in ...
Demarsch's user avatar
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Koller's dungeon safe

There is a safe inside Koller's dungeon located in the gas room and it has a password. Where do I find the password for that safe?
vianna77's user avatar
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Can I start NG+ from a previously finished NG+ (i.e. NG++)?

The last time I completed a run of Deus Ex with a regular game (not new game plus), I got the option to overwrite the old new game plus data, however after finishing the game in new game plus mode, I ...
kotekzot's user avatar
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11 votes
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How do I perform a stealth, non-lethal takedown on an exosuit enemy?

When I try to do a non-lethal takedown the normal way (sneaking up behind the enemy and pressing the takedown button) against an enemy in an exosuit, the attack just bounces off the exosuit, doing no ...
pushasha's user avatar
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What are the possible attachement for the Stun Gun and Zenith?

When trying to add a Laser Sight to my Stun Gun, I got a warning that I would not be able to replace it with something else. While it doesn't surprise me, I was wondering what else was possible to ...
DrakaSAN's user avatar
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Is there any aug that increase the reserve energy?

Even if Biocells are plentyful, and can be made from scraps, I d rather use my scrap for something else, and spare my Biocell for item to power up. Which mean I am on my reserve for the majority of ...
DrakaSAN's user avatar
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What merchants sell praxis kits?

In my apartment building one of my neighbors is selling praxis kits for 10k Are there any other merchants like that across the game, or I was hoarding all that money for no good reason?
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
4 votes
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Is max energy level dropping off intentional

What was the reasoning behind making the energy bar to 'shrink' when augs are used? I mean it already shrinks from recharge, but occasional power cell puts it back up, however after maxing energy out ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
10 votes
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Which Square Enix triangle codes contain spoilers and which do not?

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided the player can find 35 triangle pieces as loot scattered throughout the world. By viewing them in my inventory and scanning them (like a QR code) into the Deus Ex Universe ...
dg99's user avatar
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12 votes
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Do you get punished in Deus Ex Mankind Divided for keeping the main quest waiting?

I'm early in the game, and there's a bunch of sidequests I'd like to go progress, but I'm getting supposedly urgent missions from my police boss. Can those wait while I go explore?
m_sporkboy's user avatar
5 votes
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What happens if you give Miller Rucker's evidence?

At the end of the mission where you're supposed to capture Rucker, assuming you got the evidence from his side room, you have the option of giving it to Miller or waiting and giving it to Vega. I've ...
Sterno's user avatar
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What is the difference between a yellow alert icon and a red one?

So I'm currently going for the "Foxiest of the Hounds" achievement and I need to know whether or not the "!" when it goes red means that I've caused an alarm and need to reload. I'm confused about ...
Slater's user avatar
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What does overclocking do to me?

I enabled one of the experimental augments and now my augments screen indicates Jensen is running at 150% I assume there's some kind of negative penalty for this. What happens if I don't shut off ...
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3 answers

What is the digital music sampler?

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided launched yesterday, and the day one boast, among other DLC bonus, a "Digital Music Sampler". While the other DLC are quite clear (bonus missions, and either a ability or a ...
DrakaSAN's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does indirectly killing NPCs ruin your non-lethal run in Deus Ex Mankind Divided?

Without spoilers, on a side quest in the first area you can explore (after prologue mission), you can report an NPC to the police, which results in a gun-fight between the NPCs and the Police. Does ...
dakre18's user avatar
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