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Questions tagged [diablo-iii]

Blizzard's 2012 hack-and-slash dark fantasy/horror action RPG is the third release in the Diablo series, and a sequel to Diablo II in both story and style. Use this tag for questions related to the PC release of Diablo 3, or for questions where the version doesn't matter.

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23 votes
2 answers

How much does it cost to combine a gem?

On the AH it seems like the cost to buy some of the gems outright is cheaper than it is to combine 3 lesser gems, but I don't have any to check. How much does it cost (in gold and materials) to ...
9 votes
3 answers

Where to find the Old Keepsake Box?

The Old Keepsake Box contains 8 of the journals needed by Act 1 achievements "A Quick Study" and "Historian of Tristram". Based on the answer at, it can ...
11 votes
2 answers

Why did I get surrounded by so many treasure goblins?

I think I'm starting to ask too many stupid questions about treasure goblins. I was slashing some mobs in the first level of a Nephalem Rift with a friend (it was like 3 minutes after we started), ...
1 vote
1 answer

In Diablo 3, what legendary or set armour/weapons are actually account bound?

On the console version of Diablo 3 (Xbox One), what type of items are not tradable? I recently made a items from a sets and stand-alone legendary weapons/armour pieces. For example, Bom's Impunity. ...
15 votes
3 answers

How do I get to the new "cow rift" in Reaper of Souls?

There have been reports of a new "cow level" that seems to only be accessible via Nephalem Rifts: Are the Rifts fixed in terms of location (act/area)? Are ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is the likelihood to enter a "cow rift"?

Note that I'm not asking about the hidden cow level. This type of rift appears to have been introduced in the Reaper of Souls expansion. I happen to have entered one after opening my third (!) ...
6 votes
2 answers

Does Diablo III have a loot filter?

Another ARPG, Grim Dawn, has a "loot filter" feature which disables the text labels and being able to pick up loot below a specified level of rarity. Does Diablo III have any comparable feature?
5 votes
2 answers

Attack Speed Breakpoints In Diablo 3

In Diablo 2, attack rate was calculated in terms of frames. This meant that there were discrete jumps as you broke certain Increase-Attack-Speed breakpoints. In Diablo 3, is there a similar discrete ...
7 votes
2 answers

How can I install Diablo 3 if I use FileVault?

The official FAQ says that FileVault and FileVault2 are incompatible with Diablo 3. How can I install Diablo 3 on my Mac if my harddrive uses FileVault?
10 votes
2 answers

Are the "Highlighted" destructible items in Diablo 3 significant in any way?

I've noticed that I come across destructibles (doors, barrels, other props) that have a kind of highlight, a double helix type of spiral with some effect. Do these items have any significance? Here's ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is that item's rarity in Diablo 3?

I just found this weapon in a build in challenge rifts and I don't understand what is the rarity of this weapon. Is it legendary? And how do you get one of those?
3 votes
2 answers

How does the Rune Skill work in Diablo 3

I've watched so many different videos and seen a lot of different facts about the Rune system in Diablo 3. It all keeps changing. I'm not really sure which is the correct answer. I'm hoping someone ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is there an force attack button ? What are the workarounds?

My problem is a bit specific: I am playing a monk with thunderclap, and I would like a way to attack mobs without having to click on every single one of them. I have a very hard constraint: any the ...
1 vote
3 answers

What is the best vendor for jewelry?

I thought I might get lucky with some vendor for jewelry, as I did not find any way to craft rings and amulets. I tried Litton the Fence in Act IV Inferno, but basically he sells shitty items. Mostly ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can people who own the Necromancer and people who don't play together?

My friends have the Diablo 3 Battle Chest version of the game and I want to play as the Necromancer in the Eternal Collection version. So I was wondering: would I be able to use the character even ...
19 votes
2 answers

Where is the "Burial Wishes" Act 4 lore book?

I've been through the Act many times and have not seen this drop. Where is it?
2 votes
1 answer

How should I evaluate the suitability of acquired equipment in Diablo 3?

I am having trouble figuring out which equipment is worth using when playing the main story line of D3. I found a shield for my Crusader character which looks much better than the one I was using: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can't augment my items in Diablo 3 on Xbox [duplicate]

When trying augment none of my items show up in Kanai's cube, has anyone using Xbox been able to augment? I have tried everything that I can think of to get this to work.
4 votes
1 answer

Can the Templar Heal a Witch Doctor's minions? [duplicate]

If I play a Witch Doctor with a couple of minions, will the Templar use Heal on minions even though the text says you or the Templar?
2 votes
1 answer

Are Barbarians ever able to dual-wield 2-handed weapons? [duplicate]

I know they can dual wield single handed weapons, are they ever able to dual wield the two handed weapons, as in some other games?
5 votes
1 answer

Can my Barbarian block attacks with a shield equipped while performing whirlwind?

If I have a shield equipped, will I have a chance to block incoming attacks while I'm in the middle of performing whirlwind through a group of enemies? Is my chance to block reduced in any way while ...
3 votes
3 answers

How does this Barbarian build generate fury?

There's a Barbarian build on this site with the following skills: Active Skills: Hammer of the Ancients - Smash Overpower - Killing Spree Wrath of the Berserker - Thrive on Chaos Whirlwind - ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why do some Support Barbarian builds use the Gem of Ease if the Barbarian does not kill anything?

The Gem of Ease grants experience based on monster kills, and yet I saw some people in Season Ten using this gem in the weapon of a zero DPS support barbarian (which does not kill any monsters). What ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does Stone gaunlet and Aquila work on followers?

Does Stone gaunlet and Aquila work on followers? I plan to use all skills access on the follower, now I need to make sure my follower are tough enough. Diablo 3 patch 2.7.1
13 votes
1 answer

What is the dome/bubble around certain enemies in Diablo III?

Some enemies in Diablo III have a nearly-transparent, blueish dome/bubble around them; it's much larger than the Shielding bubble (with a radius maybe two or three times the height of your character), ...
2 votes
1 answer

Diablo 3 PS4 Drowned Temple issue

I have an issue with my game, don't remember what suppose to happen but after entering Drowned Temple and clearing it down I have no quests, no markers, no objectives and I'm pretty much stuck. What ...
8 votes
2 answers

How do I set a mouse button to a regular attack?

I can't seem to find how to set a mouse button click to a regular attack. How is that done?
4 votes
1 answer

Why does this Wizard build recommend Physical/Lightning Resistance?

I was following this LoD Hydra Wizard build and for some reason it recommends rolling Physical or Lightning Resistance for many items. Why? What's so special about these two types? Does this build ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is this green number on my Mystic Ally's icon?

When I summon a Mystic Ally with my Monk, it has a green '1' in the bottom left of its icon graphic: Surely it's not the amount of Mystic Ally's that I have summoned, because you can only summon 1 at ...
4 votes
5 answers

As a barbarian what are my [best] health regeneration options?

Are barbarian health regeneration options limited to health potions and the occasional magic item that restores health at x per second?
18 votes
10 answers

Why fight with clothes?

Diablo III has two achievements that involve fighting bosses in nothing but your skivvies: Naked Lust and The Hero's New Clothes. Obviously, clothes are kinda important. Which class is best at ...
5 votes
1 answer

What does "Purchase Refund" mean?

In my Completed tab, I had a Purchase Refund. I did not get a failed purchase. Where did this come from?
12 votes
4 answers

Is there an attack speed cap?

While playing around with some item builds, I managed to reach a little over 2 attacks per second. This was a huge increase from the 1.10 APS staff I had been using, and a TON of fun. But realizing ...
2 votes
1 answer

Marked for Death and the Valley of Death Rune

In Diablo 3, does the Valley of Death rune add a 15% modifier to the already 15% additional damage of Marked for Death, bringing the total additional damage up to +30%? I can't seem to find anything ...
14 votes
3 answers

What's the fastest/easiest way to get Forgotten Souls?

What is the fastest/easiest way to get Forgotten Souls? Right now I have quite a few legendary materials, but not a single Forgotten Soul, so I can't craft any of these level 70 legendaries.
11 votes
1 answer

What is the music playing in reverse on the Whimsyshire level?

I've noticed that the music in the Whimsyshire level appears to be playing in reverse. Can anyone confirm this? If so, is it music from another level or a famous piece or a unique song being played ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why do my stats momentarily change?

I'm running a seasonal Crusader with my own variant on the Akkhan Bombardment build. I noticed a strange issue that occurs when I change gear or Kanai's Cube slots, in which my main stats (Toughness, ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What are the common sub-categories of computer RPG?

I guess nobody would disagree that both Hero Wars and Diablo are computer RPG but they are quite different. Which means there are more sub-categories which they belong to respectively, what are they? ...
1 vote
1 answer

Diablo 3 coop overwrote single player game to older save

So long story short, I was near the last episodes(?) of ACT 2 when a friend invited me to a coop game. When I was done, I quit, went to the menu and hit resume and when I go in, it started me ALL the ...
4 votes
1 answer

is it possible to have multiple events in a single area at one time in diablo 3?

My mom is playing Diablo 3 on Xbox One and wanted to know if an area in act 5 could have more than one event active at a time, or if she would have to leave and return to get different events active
4 votes
2 answers

Wizard CDR builds?

So I've been looking to improve my Wizard's survivability in Inferno. I've looked into a group of Wizard builds called CDR (Cooldown Reduction) builds, whose primary skills are Critical Mass and Frost ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do elemental damage buffs work with non-explicit skill runes?

On my Crusader, i'm wearing some pieces of armor that add elemental bonus damage to certain skills (in this case, 19% holy damage, and 16% lightning damage). I understand that when a skill or skill ...
8 votes
1 answer

Which console versions of Diablo 3 ROS have Kanai's Cube?

I don't seem to be able to dig this answer up on the internet. I'm wondering which (if any) console versions of Diablo 3, Reaper of Souls, have Kanai's cube. AFAIK, it doesn't exist on our ancient ...
9 votes
11 answers

How do I complete the Destroyer of Destiny achievement?

The Destroyer of Destiny requires that you destroy all 4 Activated Pillars in the Royal Crypt at once. This can obviously only be done when going to face the Skeleton King. The pillars are placed a ...
13 votes
1 answer

How do I get the achievement "An Eerie Red Glow Blurs Your Vision"?

As part of the Diablo III anniversary event, there are several new achievements that can only be completing during the event. One achievement is called "An Eerie Red Glow Blurs Your Vision" and has ...
7 votes
3 answers

Are there exceptionally rare items in Diablo 3 like the high runes in Diablo 2?

The high runes in Diablo 2 had a very low drop rate, such that most players would never see one drop, even if they've been playing since release. Does Diablo 3 have any similar items?
3 votes
1 answer

Do I need a dlc to play online?

How to play Diablo-3 Online PS4 I just got Diablo 3 Eternal Collection for PS4, but I can't figure out how to play online or connect to Are there dlcs or instructions for this anywhere?
21 votes
2 answers

How do you get Kanai's Cube?

I just loaded up the new patch and there doesn't seem to be much direction on how to actually acquire this key new item. Zultan Kulle talked about it briefly, and then I had no quests indicating where ...
1 vote
1 answer

In Diablo 3, what should be the primary focus of a Lvl 675 paragon with 100+ hours played?

Been playing D3 since it originally came out, and I'm stuck in a bit of a skill rut. Here's what my typical session looks like on my necro: grind bounties for essences and NR for fragments grind GRs ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to get the best gear in Diablo Reaper Of Souls [closed]

I just finished the Diablo 3 story, playing as a Demon Hunter. I have decided that my next goal is to get the best gear, or at least as good as possible. I am aware that what is considered "best&...

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