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Questions tagged [dungeon-defenders-2]

The sequel to Dungeon Defenders. It is a free-to-play action tower defense RPG developed by Trendy Entertainment.

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What do my DLC packs contain?

I bought DD2 last year around Christmas together with the following 3 dlc packs: 7 Premium inventory bags Dragonfall Defender upgrade Early Access rewards I only just got around to playing it and I ...
Dark Afterburn's user avatar
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How does the Huntress's Long Range skill work?

The Long Range spec for the Huntress reads: Basic Attacks deal more damage the longer they travel, up to +% more I'm confused on how this works. Is there some kind of arbitrary distance that will ...
Batophobia's user avatar
  • 13.4k
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Can you drop a chest key for another player to pick up?

Dungeon Defenders 2 changed the way their currency works. Instead of everyone sharing all the chests on a map, as the first game did, There are keys given to players to unlock the chests. The wiki ...
Batophobia's user avatar
  • 13.4k