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When emulating Nintendo DS, are ARM-based devices at an advantage over x86?

Recently I have been emulating the Nintendo DS, both on my x86 Windows/macOS machine and on my ARM device (currently Android, but I would also like to try on a Linux desktop with ARM CPU.) I find ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Real DS to emulated Pokemon trade / Mystery Gift?

I recently dug up my old DS and Pokemon HGSS cartridge. However, I finished the game, so there is not a lot to do, that's why I wanted to start anew. Problem is, I would lose the Mystery Gift (Yellow ...
DrakaSAN's user avatar
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I'm playing on a Nintendo DS emulator and the screen breaks, can anyone help me?

It is usually fixed whenever I do a quicksave and reload the game, but it goes back like this whenever I entered new room in the game. It's just fine when I play pokemon black2 & platinum.
Jebzz RWBY's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I copy a ROM from a DS cartridge to my computer?

I love Pokémon. I used to play Pokémon Black 2 on OpenEmu, but it froze and wouldn't let me play farther. In looking for a fix for this, I read that downloading Pokémon ROMs from the internet is ...
Nobodyknows2202's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to move Pokemon from a ROM to a Physical cartridge?

I was traveling for a while and forgot my Nintendo DS, so I started playing on an emulator. During this time I played Pokemon Black 2. I've grown particularly fond of my team. I now am back home but ...
ThePowerUp's user avatar
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Can I use my computer's Wi-Fi connection with the DeSmuME core in OpenEmu?

I'm using the emulator-conglomerating application OpenEmu, and to emulate the Nintendo DS it uses the DeSmuME core. I've been able to find tutorials online to use the computer's Wi-Fi connection with ...
Tuesday's user avatar
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2 answers

Are DS/DSi flash cards compatible with the 3DS and 3DS XL?

I love to play emulated SNES games in my DSi XL, using an Acekard 2i. I'm about to buy a 3DS XL and I need to know if it will suffice all my emulation needs. Thanks.
Marcelo Assis's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I play 3DS games on an NDS emulator?

What is the (or is there any) difference between 3DS and NDS games? Is it possible to play 3DS games on NDS emulator?
Caesar Leonhart's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Play Game Boy Color games on DS Lite

I'm thinking about homebrew-hacking my DS Lite, because I could backup my games, play music, and emulate SNES games. I was thinking, could I emulate GBC games? I have a few timeless Gameboy Color ...
nateify's user avatar
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