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Where to enter FIFA 13 Online Pass code

I recently purchased FIFA 13, and upon loading the game for the first time, it asked me to enter my online pass. I was too excited to waste my time with entering a code, I decided to leave it until ...
Niel Sarvari's user avatar
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FIFA 13 cross-platform, any differences?

My friend bought Fifa 13 on Xbox and everybody's getting excited for tournaments etc. I only have a PC however, so I'm wondering, if I get Fifa 13 on PC, will I be able to accurately practice and ...
DanH's user avatar
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Some US Xbox 360 games not working on my xbox360 - claiming region lock

I have two games: Skyrim and Fifa 13. They are both NTSC-U games but my NTSC-U xbox blocks me from playing the games due to region block. The xbox was bought in Japan while on a trip there, but at ...
pandaboy's user avatar