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What happens if I pay for changing my character appearance but end up canceling the editing?

On the New Generation versions of Grand Theft Auto Online, you can pay GTA$100.000 for editing your character appearance from the interaction menu. What happens if I go back to the game without doing ...
Lemon's user avatar
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5 answers

GTA V Textures loading slowly

So I've got Gta V and while playing textures are blury or they don't even load (usually when I'm going fast) the other problem is that my game freezes or it just randomly drop fps
Jw Mar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can I have two different characters with different stats on GTA Online?

I own a copy of GTA V on Steam and I'm very confused because everyone says something different everywhere so I have decided to ask here since R* completely ignored me on their forums. I would like ...
Red-Pepper's user avatar
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How do I determine which NAT type I have in GTA Online on the PC?

I decided to get out of Strict NAT type peasantry and set up a static IP and port forwards. But I can't check if it worked out, maybe it did, maybe it didn't, because the "You have a Strict NAT type" ...
joujou264's user avatar
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Black bars on the side of screen when in cutscene or on the internet

Whenever I open up my phone or go into a cutscene (going from apartment to garage). two black bars appear on either side of the screen making it smaller. It's extremely annoying when I'm trying to buy ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is GTA Online protected by an anti-cheat engine?

I play regularly on GTA Online with my mates, in the last couple of weeks we almost already encounter cheaters while in a public session. They can do whatever they want which is very annoying (and ...
Epoc's user avatar
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What will happen if I get GTA V from Steam and use the code on an account with GTA V Social Club Edition on it?

I bought GTA V from Rockstar Warehouse, but now I regret that decision. Will I keep my save data / online users if I use the code I get from Steam to activate on my current rockstar account? Also what ...
ave's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is there any way to get story mode only vehicles into online?

I've seen videos of people getting tow trucks and stuff in online, however these videos are old (probably patched) or for consoles. Is there a way to do this on PC?
Crubleigh's user avatar
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Microphone options greyed out

The options for listening to other people is fine. I can adjust the settings on that no problem. The problem is when I try to adjust any of my microphone settings or even try to enable the microphone. ...
user112321's user avatar
3 votes
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How to jack cars from the passenger seat?

I've seen videos of people driving around in cars, and then the player in the passenger seat pushes the driver out of the car and takes control of it. Pressing F just makes you jump out of the car and ...
Crubleigh's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Will I be in the cheaters lobby after my ban lifts?

I just got banned from GTA Online for 2 weeks and I wonder if I'll be in cheaters lobby after 2 weeks. Also yes, it is my first time of getting banned.
ave's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to buy the Cargobob?

Is it currently possible to buy the Cargobob in GTA Online on the PC? I read on some sites that it is possible through the phone (through changing the URL in the web browser), but has this been ...
Serverfrog's user avatar
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Can't see my wanted level

I have an original copy of GTA 5 for PC. After the 3rd update (325 MB) I cannot see my wanted level anymore. Also, during the loading screen, it shows Xbox controls on the right bottom of the screen (...
penta's user avatar
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2 answers

Does joining an online session with a different aiming mode on PC change anything?

So as the question asks i'm curious to know whether or not joining an online session changes my aim mode. Specifically whenever the game tells me that the session i'm joining is using a different ...
Slater's user avatar
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Where is the "Can't Touch This" t-shirt?

I finished a heist without getting shot and it said that I got the t-shirt, now I want to wear it to show it to the whole world but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Not in ponsonbys nor in wardrobe.
ave's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Player gets stuck in certain directions

So the main part of my problem is that in GTA Online my player will get stuck going in a certain direction while running, walking, or driving and nothing I press will fix it. I can't change the ...
Ozoriah's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I repeat the tutorial?

I mistakenly skipped the tutorial and now I can't join my friend. I know there is a workaround by using social club invites but I think that I have to play the tutorial. I'm on PC btw.
ave's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a 'push to talk' button on gamepad for GTA Online?

Is there a push-to-talk button for voicechat on gamepad in the PC port of GTA Online? If not, is there a way to map the Xbox contoller scheme for this? (I am using PS3 controller and SCP Server.) ...
nothingisnecessary's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do you cycle between weapons of the same type and insult or compliment people in GTA 5 on PC?

On the Xbox 360 (and presumably the other consoles) version of the game you were able to walk up to people and press left and right on the dpad to either insult or compliment people, not really any ...
Gunrun247's user avatar
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