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Questions tagged [hand-of-fate]

Hand of Fate is a rogue-like deck-building RPG developed by Defiant Development in Brisbane, Australia.

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7 votes
2 answers

A way to beat the "Select card" minigame

In Hand of Fate, sometimes you have to choose a card where you have success, fail, huge fail or huge success. I couldn't find a good way to "beat" that minigame. I always end up selecting fail or ...
vianna77's user avatar
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How to defeat the Lich?

It seems impossible to defeat the Lich! Is there a way to defeat it? Should I start with the skeletons and then go for him? It seems that it raises the skeletons back to life... so what should I do?
vianna77's user avatar
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What bonus does the Frost Fang give, in Hand of Fate?

I've been playing Hand of Fate recently; I'm, currently, at the Queen of Scales boss, and am presented with a choice: keep using Thunderstrike(with 35 electric based damage) or buy a Frost Fang (with ...
someonewithpc's user avatar
3 votes
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Should I fail "The Tavern" encounter to get the token?

I've gotten this encounter twice now, where the captain says his ship (the Wench) is being held captive by pirates. I agree to help, and am faced with a four-card roll, including success, huge success,...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Which Encounter cards are worth keeping after defeating them?

I always keep in my deck all the new encounter cards and encounters that will earn me a token. There's still some room left over in the encounter deck, though, which needs to be filled out with ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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How can I tell who is marked by the Will of the Gods?

I've gotten the blessing "Will of the Gods" on a couple runs, but I've never been able to tell which enemy was marked for killing first. On those runs I've also had elemental weapons that add other ...
RedRiderX's user avatar
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What do the red pips mean on Monster cards?

It seems pretty variable, but sometimes I get Monster cards with 0, 1, or 2 red pips. As far as I can tell, they don't seem to affect the encounter at all, and the dealer doesn't seem to mention the ...
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How much of a gold bonus does the Explorer's Helmet give for revealing every encounter?

The description for the Explorer's Helmet says that it grants a gold bonus for revealing every encounter on a level. How much of a gold bonus does it provide?
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