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Questions tagged [horizon-forbidden-west]

An action role-playing game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, released on 18 February 2022. It's available for the PlayStation 4 and 5. It is a sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn.

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Is it actually possible to complete every skill tree in Forbidden West?

The question is simple: Are there enough skill points in the game? I completed every main mission, side quest, errand, machine strike match, salvage contract, melee pit, hunting ground and arena ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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Why do my Machine Strike sets keep getting reset?

In Forbidden West there's a new in-game boardgame called Machine Strike, where you challenge other players and try to destroy their pieces on a tiled field. I saved a couple of sets after I obtained ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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Is there enough Greenshine for every upgrade?

Horizon Forbidden West introduced a new precious resource, Greenshine, which is used to trade for rare items and as a upgrading material for some gears and weapons. I suppose that there is a finite ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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Is there an in-world explanation why Aloy needs to learn skills again

I just finished playing Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC. While waiting for a PC version of Forbidden West, or ability to buy PlayStation 5, I have read the reviews and it looks like in Forbidden West Aloy ...
Mołot's user avatar
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How do I use Triple Notch without triggering High Volley

I have two skills from the Hunter tree: Triple Notch and High Volley. The weird thing is that as far as I can tell both are triggered by the same buttons, holding L2 and pressing R1. Sometimes when I ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to redeem a Collectors Edition on PS5?

I preordered the (physical) Collectors Edition of "Horizon: Forbidden West" for my son for Christmas, and it should get here soon. I understand that it doesn't come with a physical disc (...
Jens Neubauer's user avatar