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Questions tagged [kingdom-hearts-birth-by-sleep]

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is an action RPG released in 2010 for the Sony Playstation Portable. It is the sixth released game in the Kingdom Hearts series and stands as a prequel to the other games. The plot centers around Aqua, Terra, and Ventus and their search for Master Xehanort.

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What are the benefits of all the d-links in KH Birth by Sleep?

In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, what are the benefits of all the d-links and what do the different levels do?
ALEXZAVIER BLACK's user avatar
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Why am I not getting the Blank Points on Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep?

I finished all 3 files on proud mode, finished the final episode, and collected all Xehanort reports and the stickers (I got 140 points). Did I forget to do something?
Epic yeet's user avatar
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What is the "miniboss" music that plays in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep in multiple worlds?

There is a specific track that plays during certain instances in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. It is not the 'regular' boss theme (Unforgettable); it is also not specific to any world, because I have ...
Vivelin's user avatar
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Terra Character Files: Missing Daisy Duck and Enchanted Brooms

I have completed every report with Terra on the Journal, but I am missing 2 entries in the character files: Daisy Duck and Enchanted Brooms. I read that you have to complete the game with every player ...
Periklis Vai's user avatar
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Does finishing the game with 100% make a difference?

Is it ok to just get all of Xenahort's files or does collecting all secrets make a difference?
Marco's user avatar
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How much does it cost to steal a panel in the command board?

While playing the Command Board mini-game, how many game points are required to steal a command panel from another player?
Steve Robbins's user avatar
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Melding commands with mastered abilities

Let's say I have a Firaga with a Fire Boost ability, all maxed out, and I want to meld this Firaga with an Aerora to make Fission Firaga. Even though I have Firaga maxed out and Fire Boost is now an ...
LOL. NO.'s user avatar
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What, if any, are the differences between the UK and North American versions of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix in the 2.5 HD Remix?

What, if any, are the differences between the UK and North American versions of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix in the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix? I'm not asking about like packaging or ...
Josh Zmijewski's user avatar
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If I cartwheel, does it count as walking?

I just got the EXP Walker ability that let's me gain 1 exp for each step I take. Normally, however, I cartwheel everywhere because it is faster than just walking. Does cartwheeling count as walking, ...
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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How do I unlock all the cut scenes in the theater archive on Proud Mode?

Important Note: I cannot stress enough that this question is about KH: Birth by Sleep Final Mix (as released in KH HD 2.5 Remix in 2014) since all my online searches yield results for the non final ...
Jesslyn's user avatar
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What are the requirements for each of the finish commands?

Most finish commands have a few different options for how to get to the next level, and I know that certain actions while fighting will trigger exp towards the next level of a certain type. How can I ...
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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5 answers

Who is Stronger: Ventus, Aqua or Terra?

In Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, I want to know who is stronger. Is it Ventus, Aqua or Terra? In addition, what are the advantages of choosing the strongest one?
Scribblenautical's user avatar
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How to easily beat Eraqus?

I have been playing BBS for the past 2 days and now I'm with the scenario of Terra. Am I the only one who doesn't manage to beat Eraqus? I had no difficulty to beat Zack, once you know how to avoid ...
Depado's user avatar
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How can I prevent Zack for omnislashing my body into tiny little pieces?

So, there I was, playing Birth By Sleep on Proud mode, having power leveled, thinking I was a boss. I got to the first fight with Zack in the Coliseum and I knew there had to be a second one because ...
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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How do my abilities level on the command board?

In Birth By Sleep, at the end of each game on the Command Board Minigame, the abilities I've used gain experience. I've seen a number of places that say things to the effect of: Playing your ...
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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How do I access Rainbow Falls: Base in Terra's story?

I have all but 2 treasures in Neverland and everything I've read suggests they are in the "Rainbow Falls: Base" area but I can't get there. Every time I try it says something about "There's nothing ...
ilmajosiah's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the order of arrivals at each world in Birth By Sleep?

In Birth by Sleep, what is the order of character arrivals at each world? By that I mean, at each world, who arrives first, who arrives second, and who arrives third?
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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Is there any advantages to playing Birth By Sleep in any particular order?

So I've already started playing through the game and beat Aqua's segment, but I was curious about this: Are there any advantages (story-wise, overall experience with the game, etc.) to playing Birth ...
LoveAndCoding's user avatar
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Where are all the Xehanort reports located?

I just picked up Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and I would like to get all the Xenahort reports on the first runthrough. In which characters' scenarios and at what locations are each of the reports ...
FAE's user avatar
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