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Questions tagged [limbo]

LIMBO is a black & white sidescrolling horror game. In it a young boy awakens in a forest and must search for his sister, while fending off the predations of the local creatures, other children and deadly traps. Developed by Playdead, LIMBO has been released for Xbox Live Arcade in 2010, PlayStation Network and Steam (Windows) in 2011.

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5 votes
1 answer

Secret eggs in Limbo for Xbox One

I completed Limbo on Xbox 360 back in the day, and picked up most of the secret eggs that give you a completion percentage above 100%. Now that the game is out for Xbox One, I decided to buy it there ...
tobiasvl's user avatar
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1 answer

Are you supposed to be able to beat LIMBO without dying?

Can you beat LIMBO without dying without any a priori knowledge? Obviously, if you know the proper path you can (there's even an achievement for it; though even that spots you 4-5 deaths). Some of ...
Nick T's user avatar
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What is the highest possible completion percentage, and how do you get over 100%?

I'm at 98%, missing the speedrun achievement, and I see percentages from 102% to 112% on the leaderboards. What is the highest non-glitched completion percentage possible, and what adds to the ...
Wolf's user avatar
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How to get past the pond in the cave?

See this screenshot: I suspected that I had to go back and grab the rope: But I cannot reach it. Can you give me a clue?
bitmask's user avatar
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In the ending, what happens to the boy and the girl? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can someone formulate a clear description of the ending of Limbo? Did both the boy and the girl die in the end? After the animation where he found the girl ended, the game ...
ver's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the audio essential to Limbo from a gameplay perspective?

I don't usually have speakers or a headset hooked up into my computer, so I can't hear any of the audio in Limbo. Is the sound an important part of the game from a gameplay perspective? Is it ...
agent86's user avatar
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How do you get past the small pond with the crate in Chapter 4?

If I try to push the crate away from shore, it'll gravitate again towards the shore for some reason and I'm back at square one. I can try to jump on the crate, but I'll end up slipping down into the ...
badp's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to jump longer in Limbo?

I've just started to play Limbo, and I wonder if there is a key combination to jump longer rather than the usual jump with a single key stroke.
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
8 votes
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How do you get past the board with the fly in Limbo?

I can sneak up very close to the fly, but if I try to jump on him or get closer than where I am in the photo, he flies off.
Michael Pryor's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How much approximate gameplay is there in the full version of Limbo?

I went through the demo of Limbo and it looks like a pretty cool game. I'm thinking about purchasing it, but I've heard criticism that it is very short, and the small number of achievements seems to ...
JohnFx's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Can someone formulate a clear description of the ending of Limbo?

I had seen the ending of Limbo, but at the time was distracted so I didn't catch the subtlety. I just watched it again here. I have some ideas about what the ending implies, but wanted to know if ...
Mag Roader's user avatar
  • 12.3k
11 votes
1 answer

Limbo Achievements

I'm just about at the end of Limbo, and I still haven't gotten any achievements. How do you get the achievements in Limbo?
Jake Pearson's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Is there a hidden or alternate ending for the game Limbo?

I just finished Limbo for the first time and was disappointed by the ending. Is there an alternative or hidden ending? Maybe if you get that achievement where you beat the game in one session while ...
Lone Coder's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How do you defeat the first spider in Limbo?

How do you get past the spider in Limbo that is behind the tree trunk?
Daniel Auger's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do you get past the two big gears in Limbo?

I got to the Chapter of Limbo where there are the two big gears and the lever that reverses which direction they turn in. I am having a lot of trouble figuring it out from there. Any tips?
Nathan Black's user avatar