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Questions tagged [madden-17]

a 2016 gridiron football sports game by EA, based on the National Football League of America. Players can play as any NFL team or create their own. Creating and calling plays and advancing their team into the Superbowl and beyond.

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Can the CPU scout players for me?

In previous Madden games with in-season scouting, there's been an option to allow the CPU to do it for you. In Madden 17, I can't find one. If I sim a week, I lose half the unused scouting points ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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Why was I forced to retire early?

I decided to try out the Player role in Madden 17's franchise mode. This allows you to control only one player both on and off the field, removing any responsibility for personnel decisions or ability ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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How do I scramble?

When controlling the quarterback on a passing play, you're supposed to be able to hold the right trigger (sprint button) to start scrambling and take off running. However, it usually doesn't work out....
DCShannon's user avatar
  • 19.6k
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How do I avoid blocked kicks?

Note: Everything in this question is about playing against the computer. I've been playing Madden regularly for more than a decade. In every previous edition, blocked kicks were so rare as to be ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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