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Where can I find documentation for ComputerCraftEdu?

Summary of Answer Written documentation is available in an archived copy of the mod’s wiki. It’s currently accessible here:
EJ Mak's user avatar
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Is it possible to have OpenComputers get information from blocks from other mods?

I'm playing skyfactory 3 with OpenComputers installed. I'm used to playing with computercraft where you could read information from blocks fron other mods and use them in your program (for ...
BRHSM's user avatar
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How to control computers using rednet? 1.7.10

I would like to set up a big computercraft network with one main computer using wireless modems and rednet api. Though I was not able to find any tutorials - all of the tutorials I found were using ...
technikfe's user avatar
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How much spaces fit onto a computercraft computer screen? (1.7.10)

I am making a computercraft arcade for my friends and I would like to replicate crossy road. My questions is about computer screen (on computer item id: 1586:16384 in dw20 modpack). Thank you in ...
technikfe's user avatar
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How to infinitely loop redstone detection with computercraft (lua)

I'm trying to make a harvester/planter out of computercraft computers, and I can get a redstone pulse consistent with a crop maturing, but cannot loop my command redstone.getInput("front") to keep ...
user161362's user avatar
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Can't run any program in

Probably very dumb problem here. I am trying to run a basic program on my turtle, like a turtle.forward() then end. I then save and exit, but when I type the name of the program I want to run, I get ...
Ruru's user avatar
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How to make a turtle run a program over the Modem API in computercraft

I have an advanced computer with a wireless modem in my world as well as several Wireless turtles. Now I want to sent a program from that computer to the turtle and run it. I looked up the modem API ...
BRHSM's user avatar
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How can you insert/extract items in/from a specific inventory slot?

I know it is possible, but I have no idea whether it is an add-on or just some undocumented vanilla method (the turtle api can't be used for that, apparently).
sh4dow's user avatar
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RR# ComputerCraft Startup Script?

I am on a Resonant Rise 3 server version I'm trying to run a script on an advanced computer from ComputerCraft to control my Big Reactor and I want it to run on the computers start up so ...
Evan Frisch's user avatar
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Im getting a error message in my computercraft computer

I'm using this code from How do I detect if MFSU has half below energy, from an answer about half way down the page: mfe = peripheral.wrap("left") while true do euPercent = mfe.getEUStored() / mfe....
Quelia's user avatar
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Is it possible to save a picture to a floppy disk in Computercraft?

I am trying to save a picture I created in paint on to a Floppy Disk, but I don't know how. Could someone please tell how to do it, or if it's possible?
Sam's user avatar
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5 votes
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Where am I going wrong with this code?

FTB Direwolf20 v 1.0.21 CC 1.57 I have a turtle mining script that I am getting an error 'attempt to call nil' on line 18: if turtle.getFuelLevel() >= turtle.getFuelLimit() - 500 then and cannot ...
Drew's user avatar
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Is there an online storage option that can connect with Computercraft?

I want an online storage that can connect with Computercraft in minecraft which uses lua. Is there some sort of online database, like mysql, that I can use in lua without installing external programs?...
user65130's user avatar
4 votes
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Computercraft trading machine script

I was trying to program a computercraft trading machine which would let the player select an item after he paid a fixed price. This is my current setup: This is my current program code: sort = ...
Andalur's user avatar
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How can I get my turtle to pull liquid from a tank?

I've tried with a bucket selected, which I assume would emulate a right-click, but it didn't work. What can I do?
Nathan2055's user avatar
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Checking amount of items in a barrel using computercraft

How can I use computers or turtles to check how many items and stacks are there in a barrel? (Is there any way even?) Im using MindCrack Feed the beast pack.
José D.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to use ComputerCraft to show the TPS of a server?

Sometimes a Minecraft server is running a bit slow. How slow? Well, that's what we want to know. With this program, we should be able to see what the currently Ticks Per Second (TPS) is on a nearby ...
user avatar
18 votes
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Help I'm trapped in an infinite loop and I can't get out

Like a complete genius, I put this in the startup program: while true do"power") end Which seemed fine at the time, except now I need to edit something. Here's the fun part: when I try ...
Unionhawk's user avatar
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If I destroy a computer, will it lose its programs?

If I destroy my computer, will the programs on it remain if I replace it somewhere else?
fredley's user avatar
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Can I monitor a quarry with CraftOS?

I'd like to use a craftOS monitor to display whether my quarries have finished or not. How, at a basic level, would I go about doing this?
fredley's user avatar
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