Questions tagged [minecraft-worldedit]

an in-game world editor mod for Minecraft, allowing math-based object generation, terraforming, and copying of items and areas. Use this tag for queries regarding using WorldEdit's features.

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4 votes
4 answers

Filling every air block above a specific block in a specific area

I want to spawn-proof the main island in the End by filling every block above (only above) each End Stone block (only if that block is air) with White Stained Glass in a specific area. I have OP and ...
Lobster2's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to construct a //g command with WorldEdit in minecraft?

The WorldEdit Generation manual I'm looking for an example of how to construct an arbitrary 3D shape from formula to script. SK gives an example formula for a stone torus, which is as follows. //g ...
allindal's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I install WorldEdit for Minecraft 1.6.2? [duplicate]

WorldEdit 1.6.2 asks for the bin folder, but I can't find it. I tried putting WorldEdit in the versions folder but it didn't work. Can anyone help?
ThePhantomKid01's user avatar