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Playstation store having games PS5/PS4 and PS4 [closed]

What's the deal with Playstation Store having certain identical games tagged with PS4/PS5 and another version only for PS4. The example is Ride 4 currently in store. They even have the same exact ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
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Monthly free games same as ones received as PS4 collection

I have a PS Plus subscription on my PS5 and one of the games from PS4 you receive as a subscriber is Mortal Kombat X - the game that is this month's free game. So what's the point of that game then if ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
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Does exist any way to add PS+ PS4 Collection games to PS4 without PS5?

I understand, that PS+ PS4 Collection is available on PlayStation 5. I also know that if I add PS4 PS+ Collection games, then I am able to install and play them on PlayStation 4 too. But does exists ...
TravelerVihaan's user avatar