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Questions tagged [pokemon-tcg-online]

The free-to-play PC version of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, featuring online play.

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How can I fix this account creation/sign in problem with Pokemon Trainer Club?

I want to create a pokemon trainer club account for online trading game. I have an account with my google mail id in Pokemon Go. When I try to create a new account using same mail Id I get this error :...
GeneralPY's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Marking cards as 'not for trade' in Pokemon TCG Online

In the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online, when creating a trade request, the "I am Giving" option will by default only give you a list of cards currently marked as "for trade". In order to view all ...
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How do I counter opponents' EX Pokémon?

I recently started playing pokemon tcgo but I know how all mechanism works and have a good deck. Problem starts when I enter in tournaments which requires 8 tickets and it takes a lot time to get ...
Shubham Wagh's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Forgot Player ID for

I tried to go onto and play the online card game but I forgot my password. I tried to reset it but it wouldn't let me change the password unless I had an ID. I, of course, forgot it. Is ...
TOKShawn's user avatar
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Most efficient way to unlock all cards for decks

I was trying to beat the fire trainer over and over again with the basic water deck but only my first win counted for unlocking cards in the deck. Am I only allowed one win per trainer per deck? What ...
FoxMcCloud's user avatar
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2 answers

Which decks are available in Trainer Challenge?

When I play the Trainer Challenge, I can't pick certain decks that I have available through online battles. In addition to that, I have 3 basic decks that are available in Trainer Challenge that I can'...
Coded Monkey's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What are all the rewards for leveling up?

With the daily challenge system, players can earn XP for each type (except colorless), 5 XP grant a level up. There are visible rewards for each type (Coin for Level 1, Sleeves Level 2, Deck Box ...
scenia's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What is the fastest way to earn tokens?

So I've recently retaken up Pokemon TCGO, and have been lacking in the trainer token dept. So I've been wondering what is the most time/energy (no pun intended) efficient way to gain tokens?
Cyberson's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What are the tokens used for in the Pokemon TCG online?

Is there a use for the tokens in the Pokemon TCG online? I have only just started playing it but happened to earn a few tokens. But when I am in the game, what can I use the tokens for? Are they used ...
C-dizzle's user avatar
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