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Questions tagged [prince-of-persia-2008]

This is Ubisoft's 2008 game which is simply titled "Prince of Persia." It is often referred to as "Prince of Persia 2008" by fans to distinguish from the original Prince of Persia game.

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3 votes
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What happened at the end of Prince of Persia (2008)?

I do not understand what happened to the Prince and to Elika at the end of Prince of Persia (2008). Did they die? Are they still alive?
Hashirama Senju's user avatar
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3 answers

Strange icon keeps appearing at the temple

Everytime I go to the temple in Prince of Persia 2008, a strange icon keeps appearing at the bottom left of the screen. It keeps blinking and seems to be of two images - the Prince and Elika. I can't ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Prince of Persia (2008): Quick Response Prompts

I am looking for some help with getting a better grasp on the combat system in Prince of Persia (the cel-shaded iteration from 2008). I do well enough through most everything else, but the quick ...
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