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Questions tagged [resident-evil-1996]

A 1996 survival horror video game developed and published by Capcom, originally for the PlayStation. Do not use this tag for the 2002 remake and the 2015 Resident Evil HD Remaster; use the [resident-evil-2002] tag instead.

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Why was Jill only infected after being hit by Nemesis at the clocktower?

In the first and third Resident Evil games, when Jill goes about her business in Spencer Mansion and Racoon City, she gets bitten all the time and is just fine until she gets attacked by Nemesis at ...
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Who is higher in ranking and authority in "Resident Evil", Chief Irons, or Albert Wesker?

In the remakes of Resident Evil and the originals as well, S.T.A.R.S. is also part of the Raccoon City police department, even having their own office. However, seeing how they are their own ...
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Resident Evil Code Veronica X - Clement A

I have looked everywhere and I can't find it. I found already Clement E and I don't remember where to find Clement A. I have everything else in this Chris part, any help?
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