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Questions tagged [ridiculous-fishing]

Ridiculous Fishing is a 2013 2D fishing game developed by Vlambeer for Android and iOS, involving fishing in a variety of locations and depths, as well as shooting all the fish for cash after they've been hauled to the surface.

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Does destroying a fish with a chainsaw add it to the Fishpedia?

In the original 2013 version of Ridiculous Fishing, if you catch and shoot a fish for the first time it gets added to the Fishpedia. If you kill a fish with your chainsaw while your lure is going down ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 42.7k
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Where are the user/config files for Ridiculous Fishing?

After having made significant progress with Ridiculous Fishing, I would like to backup or transfer to another Android device. The following directories were created on my device, but there are no ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
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How to catch the Mimic Fish?

I have been trying for some time now with various combinations and depths but I never found the Mimic Fish. Is the last fish I lack and this is leaving me crazy. Anyone know of combinations to catch ...
Celta's user avatar
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How high can fish get?

In Ridiculous Fishing, once the fish reach the water's surface on the way up, they fly into the air at high speeds. The background changes as they go, in that the clouds disappear, the sky gets darker,...
Alex's user avatar
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How exactly does the Knife work?

I just bought the Knife item, which has the following description: Talk about boring! Lets you cut your line mid-fishing and return to the surface. I accidentally cut it the first time I had it ...
FAE's user avatar
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What do the Misc. items do?

I've noticed that there are Miscelleneous items in the store in Ridiculous Fishing, but they don't really make it obvious what they do. So far I've seen a hat and a fish encyclopedia, but I assume ...
Ullallulloo's user avatar
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What new fish were added in the 1.1 update?

The July 25th 1.1 update to Ridiculous Fishing mentions "a few new fish" added, but I don't see their entries in the Fish-o-pedia. What are they, and where can I find them? Also what are the new ...
Wolf's user avatar
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When is the future?

In the Fish-o-pedia in Ridiculous Fishing, a few of the fish are listed as only available by returning to a particular fishing spot in the far future. Is the far future triggered by some event in ...
Doozer Blake's user avatar
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