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Questions tagged [rome-total-war]

Released in 2004, Rome: Total War is the 3rd installment in the "Total War" series of RTS/Empire building hybrids.

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11 votes
3 answers

Occupy, enslave, or exterminate?

What are the positive and negative consequences of each of these choices? The difference between enslavement and occupation is particularly puzzling to me: Enslavement makes a new town much easier to ...
Fadeway's user avatar
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Is it practical to snipe generals in Rome: Total War?

In the Battle of Hastings, it's said that King Harold was shot through the eye with an arrow. In Rome: Total War, it's theoretically possible to use archery or siege weapons to snipe off the enemy ...
Joe Dovahkiin's user avatar
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What is a ceasefire in Rome: Total War, and what happens if I break it?

What is a ceasefire? What will happen if I break it? Sometimes Gaul comes and asks for a ceasefire and I have nothing to do with it. What benefits can I get from a ceasefire and what would they get?
Nam G VU's user avatar
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How does Rome: Total War change when playing as a non-Roman faction?

When playing Rome: Total War as a non-Roman faction, how is the game affected? In particular: How do the units affect strategy? For example, are non-Roman basic infantry weaker than Roman hastati? Is ...
Joe Dovahkiin's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can you destroy the rebels in Rome Total War?

How can you destroy the rebel empire? I have taken over forts, armies and destroyed navies. There is only one more faction left (Brittania) and they have the last territory. Do the rebels continue to ...
Young Guilo's user avatar
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How to abort a siege assault without breaking the siege?

When besieging an enemy castle, it is often beneficial to initiate combat, use up all ammunition that the attacking archers can carry, and retreat - repeating the action turn after turn, until the ...
Fadeway's user avatar
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How do you use the Hastati infantry unit in Total War: Rome?

I'm having difficulty controlling the Hastati light infantry in Rome TW. Are they more suited for standing put or attacking? When should I use guard mode? Why do they always throw their spears ...
Karlth's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the gameplay differences between the three Roman factions?

Rome: Total War features three playable Roman families, the Scipii, the Brutii, and the Julii. Unlike later games though, it doesn't explain the differences between them. One of them is obvious: Each ...
Fadeway's user avatar
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1 answer

Averting civil war in Rome: Total War

I'm assuming that there is no real way around it, but during the imperial campaign, what happens if you accept the senate's request that your faction leader commits suicide? Will he go through with it?...
awithrow's user avatar
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Who is the main leader of SPQR?

In Rome Total War what major military leader is the faction dominance for SPQR? If you assassinate all SPQR members can they crumble?
Dragoness's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I prolong my family tree and get Generals in Rome Total War?

What increases the chances of having sons in Rome Total War? I need them for heavy generals ( I have 76 daughters and 3 living sons). Is there a "Special" trait that would allow me to have more sons ...
Young Guilo's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reopen `construction` and `recruitment` popup message in Rome Total War?

At the beginning of each turn, on the left hand, there are popup boxes which contain messages - important ones to me is the construction and recruitment ones. Those boxes disappear when I load a ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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How can I fix a "failed to connect to LAN" error in Rome Total War: Gold?

I recently purchased Rome Total War: Gold via the Mac App Store on OS X Lion. I have had a lot of fun playing the single player campaign. However, when I try to access multiplayer to battle against ...
Thizzer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to increase Rome: Total War beyond "Very Hard" settings

Rome Total War was a classic game that I had the pleasure of being introduced to as a teenager on Christmas day. After re-installing this game and playing both the locked and unlockable factions on "...
GoofyBall's user avatar
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1 answer

How to win Asculum Historical battle in Rome Total War?

I've tried to win battle of Asculum by following this strategies: Send my troops to the mountain situated at the south of the initial position and then defeating the elephants. Light troops and ...
JPCF's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I buy DLC for Games I do not own the Steam Version of?

If I have a normal version of a game (in this case Rome : Total War/ Rome : Total War Barbarian Invasion) and I want a DLC (Rome : Total War Alexander) from Steam, will it work with my other games ...
yoran's user avatar
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1 answer

Rome: Total War Gold Editon failed to contact key server

I just bought Rome: Total War Gold Edition on Steam - however, when I try to play it, a message comes up and says Failed to contact key server. Do I need to have the standard Rome game first?
RustyMembers's user avatar
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What happens when you reach max Senate favour?

I reached 9 favour points with the Senate (out of 10) and it sayed that they are thinking to declare me "Father of the Repiblic". Unfortunately, I ended up losing favour and couldn't find out myself. ...
John's user avatar
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What is the best course of action if my faction is almost dead?

I'm at war with the Greeks and they destroyed all of Rome and my allies. I'm down to my main settlement and their army is closing in. What should I do? They offered a protectorate treaty but I denied ...
user144252's user avatar
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Is there a way to find out why it gave me the message "Victory conditions failed"?

Everything was fine, I've even occupied a new settlement when all of a sudden it displayed the message "Victory conditions failed". I don't have any idea why (there were enough turns until the game ...
R.K's user avatar
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How do you train Falxmen in Rome Total War?

How do you get falxmen in Rome Total War? I have checked the building plans and I can't find them. I understand that you need to be Germania. Is it just a rare unit you can recruit like druids?
Young Guilo's user avatar
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Powerful units in Rome Total War?

There is a cheat in Medieval Total War 2 where you get powerful units by entering Houston in the console. Is there a cheat like this for Rome Total War?
Young Guilo's user avatar
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Why are elephants not allowed in CWB?

This page on CWB rules for multiplayer in Rome Total War says that elephants are not permitted in multiplayer not because they are OP, but because they are easy to counter. That doesn't sound right ...
Utku's user avatar
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Greek Archers in Rome Total War glitching?

This has just occured 10 minutes ago. I was playing on a custom battle (my unit of greek archers vs. a unit of Spartans) and my archers glitched into the battlefield floor. They continue to shoot ...
Young Guilo's user avatar
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How can I make sure the Oliphaunt in Rome Total War doesn't lag me out?

There is a type of elephant in RTW called the Oliphaunt. It is a unit that can only be brought into the game through a cheat. However when I go into the battle to see these beasts in action the game ...
Young Guilo's user avatar
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Do you need to remove buildings to remove cultural penalty?

In Total War: Remastered, cities quite close to my capital are slowly getting angry because of cultural penalties and squalor. In this post, I am mostly curious how to get rid of the cultural penalty. ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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How to view regular tribute of our faction to/from another one in Rome Total War?

In the game, when making a diplomatic deal with the enemy, we have the option to offer/demand a regular tribute e.g. paying 100 denaris for 4 turns. My question is after we offer/demand and get ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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Game does not start (0xc000007b error)

“Rome: Total War” does not start. Every time I try to start it, I always get the 0xc000007b error message. I have tried several solutions, but none of them has worked so far. I have tried these ...
Nemgathos's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I Change Unit Size?

What do I need to do in order to change the unit size (increase the number of soldiers per unit)? I am stuck on normal size.
ChargingPun's user avatar
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What are the mechanics of campaign map reinforcements on Rome Total War?

All I can find are explanations on what causes delays with them on the battle map. I'm wondering how you get reinforcements on the campaign map. I thought it was if an army was on a tile touching the ...
Drew's user avatar
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