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Questions tagged [shenmue]

Shenmue is a 1999 adventure video game for the Dreamcast

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Does Ryo ever kill anyone in the Shenmue games?

I'm doing some research for a game project involving game violence, and I can't remember if Ryo Hazuki ever killed anyone in the Shenmue games. He certainly swears to avenge his father, and he beats ...
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Hidekazu Yukawa in Shenmue?

The former Senior Managing Director of Sega, Hidekazu Yukawa (aka. "Mr. SEGA") appears in What‘s Shenmue?. I heard that he also appears in Shenmue (apart from his face on the battery boxes in the ...
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Alternative ending in Shenmue?

I heard there is an alternative ending in Shenmue I. What is it and how do you get it?
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What happens when Ryo spends all his money before trying to buy the ticket?

On Disc 2 of Shenmue, Ryo tries to get a ticket to Hong Kong. Because Ryo has not enough money, Fuku-san gives his piggy bank savings to Ryo. Ryo is now able to buy a boat ticket (¥69000) at the ...
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Why does Shenhua speak Japanese?

Shenhua (aka Shen Hua aka Sha Hua aka Shen Fa) "grew up in the wilderness of China, surrounded by nature" (Wikipedia). She "has lived in Guilin her whole life" (Neoseeker). In Shenmue II, Ryo meets ...
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